Remove AV.

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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Firstaidkit »

1. You are clearly mad =).
2.Funny how you post a screenshot of yourself dead on the graveyard while I'm still alive in the screenshot =).
3. I NEVER said I NEVER lost AV I said you are a bunch of bads that are unable to play it. Like you never lost a bg? jk you lose them all the time.. Also I probably lost that AV because shitters like you are afk on the graveyard. It's pretty hard to win a bg if your the other players in the bg don't cooperate to do the objectives at all. Not to even mention I see you hk farming in AV the whole time.
4. Want me to post screenshots of the AV's I won? Then this thread will be way longer.
5. Last few AV's I did we won by killing the boss in a few minutes actually ;).
6. And I did not even mention how I outheal you every bg on my alt druid (sometimes even double the healing you did or triple).
Wacco wrote:Horde simply wins when Ezatt is offline :D
That's what I meant the officers in your guild are a fucking joke if they say stuff like that.
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Reflector »

Why do you even take this pics? I mean fuck this is even worse than a guy that are taking a fkn pic of him topping the list of most kills and then hang it up the fkn wall in his room and think it's a got damn diploma!
O.o you boyz got issues lawl.
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Comehere »

Firstaidkit wrote:1. You are clearly mad =).
2.Funny how you post a screenshot of yourself dead on the graveyard while I'm still alive in the screenshot =).
3. I NEVER said I NEVER lost AV I said you are a bunch of bads that are unable to play it. Like you never lost a bg? jk you lose them all the time.. Also I probably lost that AV because shitters like you are afk on the graveyard. It's pretty hard to win a bg if your the other players in the bg don't cooperate to do the objectives at all. Not to even mention I see you hk farming in AV the whole time.
4. Want me to post screenshots of the AV's I won? Then this thread will be way longer.
5. Last few AV's I did we won by killing the boss in a few minutes actually ;).
6. And I did not even mention how I outheal you every bg on my alt druid (sometimes even double the healing you did or triple).
1) no...just no - I just react when someone is tiny bit hypocritical (and I have proof of that ^^)

2)that just stupid thing to say or you're just trying to troll me

3) I was there when your "premade" (or you healing random ppl can't remember) won AV and it was pure luck, somehow you managed to kill marshals before bunkers were down, while allies somehow (I dunno they probably didn't had much players, or E dawg was offline) even with towers down weren't able to defeat our boss, if YOU won AV by just burning all bunkers and finally killing boss ? ok good ,if you won AV ? ok good

4) I dont care about your screenshots

5)sure I could believe to that also point 3 explains it

6)ok here is one thing about me (and many ppl know that) - I SERIOUSLY DONT CARE ABOUT BG STATS, I care about winning bg and pvp experience(or pvp moments? dunno how to call it), NOT healing done, NOT dmg done,NOT KBs (well ok they're cool),NOT HKs - either you're trying to troll again , or just you're THAT pathetic as some other ppl to think that

I posted that screenshot to make you (and boy...HOW naive I was!) to do some self-reflection before you talk trash about other guild and how incompetent they're in winning a AV, also I clearly have put valid points there.

Yes Allies are winning MOST of AVs, some ppl deal with qqing on forum, some ppl just wank in AV - that's life. The fact we're (meaning wacco and me) are able to say "ye Ezatt's premades are crushing us in AV" well that says alot about OUR self-reflection,ok maybe not self-reflection but most definitely objectiveness.

And this is my last post to you, my ss wasn't meant (and again) as rage/trolling/joke/proving I am better/jesus existed/you can fap with left hand....It was just for you to think about yourself before you post something like that. But well some ppl will never learn...well in this case it's me - to expect from you some mature response than (oh dawg I totally outheal you).

Peace Comehere.
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Mayore »

fak, sometimes you are such a retard i don't get it.

anyway, back to topic- people have some weird habit of logging alliance for AV. most of them log alliance alts just to play it - especially casters lol
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Comehere »

Mayore wrote: anyway, back to topic- people have some weird habit of logging alliance for AV. most of them log alliance alts just to play it - especially casters lol
Yeah it's kinda fishy to play some bg before AV against couple of allies and then stand against 40 allies in AV. But I dont think gms could do anything with that :/ I had idea in my mind for some sort of algoritm which would allow to log ally/horde char only if that side have lack of players to balance things up, but I dont think that could be implemented.
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Firstaidkit »

Comeheredrei wrote:and not to mention there are 5 yM members top in AV (even after my big lobbing ppl just dont like AV :( ) but hey you got big guild you can win AV (and you said you have beaten E dawg)...but what we have here....

I don't see them on top on my screenshot =O I just see you below me with not even 50% of my healing done. Also there is no point in taking bunkers if you are 400 - 150 behind, we went in for the boss with guild and we raped him and won the bg =). This bg was vs. Ezatt and this screenshot proves that you are wrong. It's certaintly not impossible to win in AV. That was the only fact I'm stating.

1) Oke and I was just provoking and it worked out pretty well.
2) No, it's stupid to post a screenshot of your own corpse and in that same post you say your guild is so good blabla.. bullshit. Your guild is not even capable to get a full premade in a normal bg like AB or Eye of the Storm and you think it's weird you can't win AV. Sense where to find it these days..
3) We won check the above screenshot, no need to take bunkers (especially not with a score like that) I just outhealed the tank while the DPS raped the boss.
4) I still posted it to prove you wrong =).
5) Oke
6) Then why you first say that your guildies are always on top? Then you say you don't care about bg stats? Your making up an excuse now or something?
You can trashtalk me as well but without me, your guild didn't even exists. I think 80% of your guild members came from my (old) guild(s), Heallen or Rarecandy just brainwashed them and now they joined your guild. True story.

P.S. I was wanking when I made that screenshot and I doubled your healing, l2p kktnxbai!
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Deems »

a druid heals more than priest

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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Firstaidkit »

I just wanted to post the end result of the battleground to show who was really on top it was me and not a lying you MONSTER faggot.
Last edited by Firstaidkit on 06 Dec 2012, 19:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Wacco »

erm.. you know that you are a druid right?
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Re: Remove AV.

Post by Firstaidkit »

I know that druid does more healing but he said his yM guildies where on top which isn't true.
Wacco wrote:erm.. you know that you are a druid right?
You know that I am on top right and just proving that Comehere is a liar. He posting screenshots of battlegrounds that did not even finished yet.
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