A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
Before you judge anything I would like to tell something about myself and about the change
that will most probably affect us all and especially Smolderforge. During last few weeks I've
carefully been planning for the reformation that will occur. I feel like I need to take the
lead in Smolderforge and I'd do it best by supporting this server with a very generous amount
of money.
I will take action on this server, I will make it more modernized and I quarantee there will
be lots and lots of new players because I have a good and professional team backing me up to
make this possible. Smolderforge is going to be one of the best and most known private server
ever. This won't happen unless I take some action with my own ways. I can't reveal all of
them immediately, hope you'll understand. Here are few of them:
Active Game Masters. This because Smolderforge has a lot of hackers (such as flyhackers,
speedhackers), windtrading, people behaving badly (this gets almost sick at times!). There's
also advertising of other servers that should lead straight to IP ban (if the advertising is
is constant ie. many hours straight). The main thing this server needs GMs for is LFG Chat.
It's the worst bullsh*t on this server, it's like a plague and I think it should be removed
as fast as possible. Although I won't do this because it's so important for so many players
but I think it should be guarded a lot better than it is right now. I also think spamming and
calling names should be intervened with 10 minute mute and if this doesn't work the penalty
should be worse.
One more thing about LFG Chat. I'd change it to be meant only for searching raids. PVP should
have its own channel where you could talk about PVP and about Arena of course. Or there
should be just World Chat that would be the most heavily guarded. There you could have normal
conversations but pointless chatting should be left private. This is how players could filter
channels and wouldn't be forced to read bullsh*t day after another.
Why have I got to prepare such a big project since I'm only known for my bad behaviour and
who am I?
Some players may know me for my childish behaviour but I can assure you that everyone who
actually know me also knows that I'm not a bad guy. My reputation will follow me everywhere
I go and I can't hide from it. That's just how it goes, if you're known in this particular
server it also means you're hated. It's so easy to hate someone like that. I usually read
lots of crap about me in LFG Chat where someone may call me names or bad things about me.
A pointless conversation follows and lots of random passers-by want to get involved just to
seek attention or to troll me. I would like to emphasize that I'm not seeking for attention
at all. I just happen to love this server and the game very much.
So, how can I make all this happen? The answer is that I have a good and professional team
backing me up in this project and our server could offer well working game for over 2000
players. This is not a caprice I've been planning this for weeks.
I would still want to inform you that you get one month to relax before any changes will occur
so there won't be any changes this year. It's not 100% sure yet but we will continue the
negotiations with Henhouse about this and Henhouse will be the admin of course but since he
is decreasing his playing, I get more resposible.
This is naturally a huge thing for all of you but I'm sure you will get into it within some
time. Thank you and regards from,
Ruuren a.k.a. Almighty Moonkin.
that will most probably affect us all and especially Smolderforge. During last few weeks I've
carefully been planning for the reformation that will occur. I feel like I need to take the
lead in Smolderforge and I'd do it best by supporting this server with a very generous amount
of money.
I will take action on this server, I will make it more modernized and I quarantee there will
be lots and lots of new players because I have a good and professional team backing me up to
make this possible. Smolderforge is going to be one of the best and most known private server
ever. This won't happen unless I take some action with my own ways. I can't reveal all of
them immediately, hope you'll understand. Here are few of them:
Active Game Masters. This because Smolderforge has a lot of hackers (such as flyhackers,
speedhackers), windtrading, people behaving badly (this gets almost sick at times!). There's
also advertising of other servers that should lead straight to IP ban (if the advertising is
is constant ie. many hours straight). The main thing this server needs GMs for is LFG Chat.
It's the worst bullsh*t on this server, it's like a plague and I think it should be removed
as fast as possible. Although I won't do this because it's so important for so many players
but I think it should be guarded a lot better than it is right now. I also think spamming and
calling names should be intervened with 10 minute mute and if this doesn't work the penalty
should be worse.
One more thing about LFG Chat. I'd change it to be meant only for searching raids. PVP should
have its own channel where you could talk about PVP and about Arena of course. Or there
should be just World Chat that would be the most heavily guarded. There you could have normal
conversations but pointless chatting should be left private. This is how players could filter
channels and wouldn't be forced to read bullsh*t day after another.
Why have I got to prepare such a big project since I'm only known for my bad behaviour and
who am I?
Some players may know me for my childish behaviour but I can assure you that everyone who
actually know me also knows that I'm not a bad guy. My reputation will follow me everywhere
I go and I can't hide from it. That's just how it goes, if you're known in this particular
server it also means you're hated. It's so easy to hate someone like that. I usually read
lots of crap about me in LFG Chat where someone may call me names or bad things about me.
A pointless conversation follows and lots of random passers-by want to get involved just to
seek attention or to troll me. I would like to emphasize that I'm not seeking for attention
at all. I just happen to love this server and the game very much.
So, how can I make all this happen? The answer is that I have a good and professional team
backing me up in this project and our server could offer well working game for over 2000
players. This is not a caprice I've been planning this for weeks.
I would still want to inform you that you get one month to relax before any changes will occur
so there won't be any changes this year. It's not 100% sure yet but we will continue the
negotiations with Henhouse about this and Henhouse will be the admin of course but since he
is decreasing his playing, I get more resposible.
This is naturally a huge thing for all of you but I'm sure you will get into it within some
time. Thank you and regards from,
Ruuren a.k.a. Almighty Moonkin.
Re: A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
Are you serious? Sounds good, but I highly doubt that you will achieve that. At least you have made an effort... :O
Re: A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren

this contradicts to everything you do.
Peace and serenity :
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=8012
-Selling account 25?ó?ÇÜ?¼ pm if interested-
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=8012
-Selling account 25?ó?ÇÜ?¼ pm if interested-
Re: A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
Mynce wrote:
this contradicts to everything you do.
Re: A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
Leave LFG alone. Just because your feelings get hurt doesn't mean changes need to be made - trash talking is part of the game.
Also I'm sure a lot of people would be against you having more influence on this server
Also I'm sure a lot of people would be against you having more influence on this server
Re: A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
I don't even know you.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
Laati wrote: It's not 100% sure yet but we will continue the
negotiations with Henhouse about this
Henhouse wrote:I don't even know you.

Peace and serenity :
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=8012
-Selling account 25?ó?ÇÜ?¼ pm if interested-
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=8012
-Selling account 25?ó?ÇÜ?¼ pm if interested-
Re: A Step To The Better, Smolderforge "Revolution" - Ruuren
What is this.. I don't even.
Retired Game Master.
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