Free Action Potion

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Re: Free Action Potion

Post by Cube »

Don't know where you've gotten the idea that I want it removed from.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 2015

Re: Free Action Potion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Robotking wrote: 2. yes it was blizzard and blizzard nerfed it. at lvl 85 the effect is only 6 seconds long.
I'm not playing lvl 85.
Robotking wrote: 3. tbc balance bad? not really
TBC is not balanced at all, especially Smolderforge.
Robotking wrote: thats the problem, everyone can use it inflationary. skilled players dont use it often and you are not skilled so hf with 30sec immunity!
To be honest I barely use those FAPs, I just use them when I see an enemy with one and a healer. Also if I'm not skilled how come you don't dare to duel or arena vs me?

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
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Re: Free Action Potion

Post by Caution »

Poisongirlx wrote:/closed.

I didn't even get to see the original part of this thread.

But I'm assuming you're crying - so nothing out of the norm.

Posts: 971

Re: Free Action Potion

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Cube wrote:Are you really that stupid?

Please tell me how I kill a warrior who pops fap after charge as frost.

As said, read through the thread. The same stupid ass shit you just posted got posted there.

And as for your "resemblance of retail" bullshit, get real.

Edit: And don't say 'polymorph him'. Just don't.
Just stating the obvious. Besides, why do you even care Cube? You don't play Smolderforge. Come to think of it, why do you even bother posting at all? It's always either poking at Fak or spewing venom at someone.
Honestly, I used to respect you; but you make it rather difficult.
However, I'm not heartless, I have a cure for your situation.


I hope that helps you. See, I do care. <3
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Re: Free Action Potion

Post by Terezi »

*sigh* Well this thread is clearly not providing any sort of legitimate feedback. Like watching monkeys throw scat at each other. Zap, I would have thought you'd know 'the obvious' yourself. We do not encourage flame wars, like it's obvious you're trying to incite. Enjoy your break.
Retired Game Master.

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