Enchant Shammy dmg ??
Enchant Shammy dmg ??
Any ench sham out there which do me a favor ??
I need a pvp skilltree for ench ....
Also a advise which enchants and gems are useful... Like a little guide...
Any ench sham out there which do me a favor ??
I need a pvp skilltree for ench ....
Also a advise which enchants and gems are useful... Like a little guide...
20:28:17 <70:Kimilar>: Now you will experience the full power of the dark side!... Herod! Slay them!
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
My skilltree http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/sh ... 0000000000
Gems: Meta: 12 agility and 3% crit
(You need at least 2 red, 2 blue and 2 yellow)
Red: [12 agility], [10 agility] x2
Blue: [5 agility 7 stamina] x2 (take it to red socket)
Yellow: [12 critical strike rating], the rest [5 Critical strike rating 10 Attack Power]
Shoulders: +30 attack power, 10 critical strike rating,
Hands: +26 attack power
Wrist: +4 all stats
Legs: +50 attack power, 12 critical strike rating
Feet: +12 agility
Back: +12 agility
Rings: +4 all stats
Chest: +6 all stats
Head: +36 attack power, 16 hit rating
Weapons: On main hand windfury, on Off hand frostbrand.
Useful totems:
Strenght of Earth Totem - more strenght
Grace of Air Totem - more agility (bind this 2 totems cause its most useful)
Tremor Totem - noone can't fear/charm/sleep you
Earthbind Totem - slows down the enemy
Grounding Totem - if a warlock/ele shaman/mage/balance dru etc. casts shadowbolt/frostbold/fireball/starfire etc. it redirects it to his self.
Fire/Frost/Nature Resistance totems - lol, I think I don't have to tell what is this ..
These ones are basic enh shaman totems.
Use Stormstrike.
Gems: Meta: 12 agility and 3% crit
(You need at least 2 red, 2 blue and 2 yellow)
Red: [12 agility], [10 agility] x2
Blue: [5 agility 7 stamina] x2 (take it to red socket)
Yellow: [12 critical strike rating], the rest [5 Critical strike rating 10 Attack Power]
Shoulders: +30 attack power, 10 critical strike rating,
Hands: +26 attack power
Wrist: +4 all stats
Legs: +50 attack power, 12 critical strike rating
Feet: +12 agility
Back: +12 agility
Rings: +4 all stats
Chest: +6 all stats
Head: +36 attack power, 16 hit rating
Weapons: On main hand windfury, on Off hand frostbrand.
Useful totems:
Strenght of Earth Totem - more strenght
Grace of Air Totem - more agility (bind this 2 totems cause its most useful)
Tremor Totem - noone can't fear/charm/sleep you
Earthbind Totem - slows down the enemy
Grounding Totem - if a warlock/ele shaman/mage/balance dru etc. casts shadowbolt/frostbold/fireball/starfire etc. it redirects it to his self.
Fire/Frost/Nature Resistance totems - lol, I think I don't have to tell what is this ..
These ones are basic enh shaman totems.
Use Stormstrike.
Last edited by Occultist on 02 Nov 2012, 15:47, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
I forgot about few things.
Be an Orc. If you want to be part of Alliance, don't be part of Alliance. Be an Orc.
2 handed weapons:
Don't wear it, it sucks. Only if you fight with cloths its fun.
The only plus of wearing 2h weapons is big windfury. Without windfury with crit u lost.
Btw if you really want to play 2h I will send you my 2h build. Enjoy.
http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/sh ... 0000000000
Be an Orc. If you want to be part of Alliance, don't be part of Alliance. Be an Orc.
2 handed weapons:
Don't wear it, it sucks. Only if you fight with cloths its fun.
The only plus of wearing 2h weapons is big windfury. Without windfury with crit u lost.
Btw if you really want to play 2h I will send you my 2h build. Enjoy.
http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/sh ... 0000000000
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
2h sucks... this is the best build: http://talenty.hellground.pl/talents.ht ... 0000000000
enchant one hand weapon with mongoose and main hand with 25 agi.
I think that u don't need more advices :) Enjoy
enchant one hand weapon with mongoose and main hand with 25 agi.
I think that u don't need more advices :) Enjoy
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
Lol, your and mine build are similar, just you added 1 talent point in Toughness and 1 less in Dual Wield Specialization. Whatever, I think that mine is better :D See ya in game.cinu97 wrote:2h sucks... this is the best build: http://talenty.hellground.pl/talents.ht ... 0000000000
enchant one hand weapon with mongoose and main hand with 25 agi.
I think that u don't need more advices :) Enjoy
Occu :3
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
Enh shaman with agi gems / enchants?! are you srs? its not a fkn rogue ... you need strenght..
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
Thanks occultist... That's more than I actually needed.... But nice work...
I will do it like U advised me XD...
Btw in already an orc but just heal and ele... So in not a real rookie about the whole class and race ....Erm...
I will do it like U advised me XD...
Btw in already an orc but just heal and ele... So in not a real rookie about the whole class and race ....Erm...
20:28:17 <70:Kimilar>: Now you will experience the full power of the dark side!... Herod! Slay them!
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
I'm playing with http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/sh ... 0000000000 atm and its going pretty fine :)
Gems: Meta: 12 agility and 3% crit
(You need at least 2 red, 2 blue and 2 yellow)
Red: [10 streangh] x2
Blue: [5 strengh 7 stamina] x2 (take it to red socket)
Yellow: [5 Critical strike rating 5 strengh] x2
Shoulders: +30 attack power, 10 critical strike rating,
Hands: +15 strengh
Wrist: +4 all stats
Legs: +50 attack power, 12 critical strike rating
Feet: +12 agility
Back: +12 agility
Rings: +4 all stats
Chest: +6 all stats
Head: +36 attack power, 16 hit rating
Weapons: On main hand I use WindFury (rank 5) and Off-hand WindFury (rank 4) cuz it procs more that way :)
Rotation: Stormstrike -> when you see them cast a heal Earthshock that will interrupt the heal -> Stormstrike etc.
Good luck!
Best regard Xaio
Gems: Meta: 12 agility and 3% crit
(You need at least 2 red, 2 blue and 2 yellow)
Red: [10 streangh] x2
Blue: [5 strengh 7 stamina] x2 (take it to red socket)
Yellow: [5 Critical strike rating 5 strengh] x2
Shoulders: +30 attack power, 10 critical strike rating,
Hands: +15 strengh
Wrist: +4 all stats
Legs: +50 attack power, 12 critical strike rating
Feet: +12 agility
Back: +12 agility
Rings: +4 all stats
Chest: +6 all stats
Head: +36 attack power, 16 hit rating
Weapons: On main hand I use WindFury (rank 5) and Off-hand WindFury (rank 4) cuz it procs more that way :)
Rotation: Stormstrike -> when you see them cast a heal Earthshock that will interrupt the heal -> Stormstrike etc.
Good luck!
Best regard Xaio
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
I hope there is no problem with posting other forums posts, but I used this one gearing up my shaman, it does have some great advice.
Re: Enchant Shammy dmg ??
What i don't like is that,when they post something from our forums they never give credits. You can see Henhouse's screen freeze method on their forum.Ichba wrote:I hope there is no problem with posting other forums posts, but I used this one gearing up my shaman, it does have some great advice.
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