3v3 rated que improve

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3v3 rated que improve

Post by Poisongirlx »

Greetings smolderforge community,

Sadly there aren't many people queing 3v3 rated actually no one does..
I'm wondering why..?

yes.. its "harder" to find mates for 3s that are online same time etc. but it's way more fun than 2s.

Me and my mates will start keep queing 3v3 rated and hope we'll find some setups to face.

Anyway, in the last days I was thinking what we as community and GM's could do to bring 3v3 rated on Smolderforge.

Maybe you could set the rating needed for S4 down to 1900 3v3 Rating and 2000 2v2 Rating, or like its on retail (t2) for example the weapons are only vaiable when u reach 2k in 3v3/5v5.
Dunno something like that, or give an extra price to the 3v3 Gladiators.

What do you guys think about 3v3..?
What do you think could improve the 3v3 ques..?

Im looking forward to hear some nice suggestions :-)


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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Overdozze »

Poisongirlx wrote:What do you think could improve the 3v3 ques..?
Nothing.Donations are cheap and the ones that do not have the money to do it will probably never set foot in 3v3...or set foot once...get stomped and never queue again.
Since everything is available via 5 bucks there is not reason for people to stop facerolling cookie cutter comps in 2v2 or gy farming in bgs,so they can do 3v3.Problably something on the lines"R1 in 3v3 at the end of the season gets a warglaive",only then will people queue.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Iostream »

I'm merciless/2pc vengeful on my priest and I get roflstomped by brutal teams but I never give up. I only make new teams so I don't get a 1-20 w/l ratio. I'd still like to do 3's tho since all the cookie cutters do 2's and can't do 3's.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Imperium »

warglaives for 3v3 finalists
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Mayore »

Imperium wrote:warglaives for 3v3 finalists
raven lords
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Iostream »

Ashes of Al'ar, enough said.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Exsurgo »

Maybe. But the 3s bracket needs to be made legitimate. No farm night-farming and excessive dodging that happens rampantly in 2s. Atm the 2s bracket is a bit of a joke judging by some of the top 20 teams.

There needs to be 2 (or 3) allocated times during the day where people can queue for rated 3s.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Firstaidkit »

Wintraders ruined the 3 vs 3 ladder.

Teams like this: http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Poisongirlx »

Firstaidkit wrote:Wintraders ruined the 3 vs 3 ladder.

Teams like this: http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge
Skelmor told me that this team already got banned.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Imperium »

Poisongirlx wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote:Wintraders ruined the 3 vs 3 ladder.

Teams like this: http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge
Skelmor told me that this team already got banned.

Skelmor #1
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