WOTLK Population

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Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Deems »

Having the dueling area in underbelly was a terrible idea too. I can see framerate dips on a computer that is overkill for WoW, so I can only imagine the pain people with mediocre PCs had.
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Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Imperium »

Deems wrote:Having the dueling area in underbelly was a terrible idea too. I can see framerate dips on a computer that is overkill for WoW, so I can only imagine the pain people with mediocre PCs had.
My computer can't even play Slender at 1680x1050. But I can play Wotlk at high settings with a constant 30-35 fps depending on whats going on.

but that's completely irrelevant and I just wanted to say that.

yeah, I don't mind the dueling area itself, but I hate neutral dueling in general for some reason.

Anyways. Talking to Cube and Henry about some ideas for a fresh restart on Wotlk, we'll see what comes up and what's said, just Henhouse is really busy at this point in time.
Henhouse like he said is very open to ideas, so feel free to post in this thread if you have any that you think will get people to come in and stay.
Posts: 49

Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Rawr »

warcraft in general is dieing >.>
best thing I would if I was henry is get a pandara server ASAP and become 1 of the firsts and there you go.. gg population.

For WOTLK if ppl really want this server up
- only way of PvP queue BGs / Arenas
- don't donate for the BEST tier gear b/c it REALLY does turn ppl away depsite how much you want to god damn argue it doesn't.
- make more GMs dedicated to wotlk and not have GMs come over from tbc for like 5mins and just chill at malls.
- Create god damn events with your nice new 3+ gms.
- create more areas for stuff to do, make ur own Battle ground ect. (if you say this will lag the server or create more data this is obvious but if it does this to where server isn't playable then the server shouldn't even be god damn launched).
-post on all kinds of forums as there are so many where u can advertise the server for free.
-guilds that can have both ally/horde and ally/horde can group for pve AND possibly world pvp until server is STABLE.
- no custom items
-possibly RAF (recruit a friend) sytsem.
-have RP sex/dirty talk in goldshire and advertise that on moonguard server.
just my ideas/opinions. GG
Posts: 971

Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Rawr wrote: -possibly RAF (recruit a friend) sytsem.
-have RP sex/dirty talk in goldshire and advertise that on moonguard server.
just my ideas/opinions. GG
How does recruit a friend, have any point on an instant 80 server? Kindly explain this to me. I'm rather lost on the point of that.
The RP Sex/dirty talk... really man... *rolls eyes*
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Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Deems »

I think what he means is, that you would gain extra rewards for inviting friends over, such as badges and stuff.
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Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Outskilled »

Deems wrote:I think what he means is, that you would gain extra rewards for inviting friends over, such as badges and stuff.
would get abused by people using proxy's & vpn
Posts: 49

Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Rawr »

yep was 100% guaranteed for my post to get bashed gg lol.
there are ways to prevent someone from abusing this system. I won't go into term on how to do this b/c I don't want the FBI showing up to people's house lmfao.
To the other post about RP, some people like RP so a wide variety = more people. These are just ideas/opinions so please don't bash my posts again. Thanks.
Posts: 2058

Re: WOTLK Population

Post by Imperium »

Rawr wrote: don't want the FBI showing up to people's house lmfao.

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