Warlock Bugs - Report here
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
its a issue thats seems to be a problem for ever caster.
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Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
The fellhunter resistances seem to be applying to holy damage. It was not this way on retail. Holy spells often get full or partial resists against the fellhunter.
Retired Developer.
- Firstaidkit
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- Posts: 2015
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
What is the bug?
Warlocks don't resurrect with the pet they last summoned.
I know this has been reported a few times before but I found some official patch notes of it so I thought why not report it again.
Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item)
I think spell issue, I'm not sure.
How can you reproduce it?
Die in a battleground, release corpse and no pet, you have to resummon it again.
Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
Warlocks will still be able to resurrect with the pet they last summoned (non-sacrificed pets), even if it has since died. A sacrificed pet will not be resummoned on death (check patch notes here).
Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:
It does not resurrect your pet upon death.
Warlocks don't resurrect with the pet they last summoned.
I know this has been reported a few times before but I found some official patch notes of it so I thought why not report it again.
Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item)
I think spell issue, I'm not sure.
How can you reproduce it?
Die in a battleground, release corpse and no pet, you have to resummon it again.
Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
Warlocks will still be able to resurrect with the pet they last summoned (non-sacrificed pets), even if it has since died. A sacrificed pet will not be resummoned on death (check patch notes here).
Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:
It does not resurrect your pet upon death.
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/firstaidkitsmolderforge for PvP and good music!
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/firstaidkitsmolderforge for PvP and good music!
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
This has been looked into and fixed. Players will now summon their last used pet when resurrected by a spirit healer in battlegrounds.Firstaidkit wrote:What is the bug?
Warlocks don't resurrect with the pet they last summoned.
I know this has been reported a few times before but I found some official patch notes of it so I thought why not report it again.
Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item)
I think spell issue, I'm not sure.
How can you reproduce it?
Die in a battleground, release corpse and no pet, you have to resummon it again.
Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
Warlocks will still be able to resurrect with the pet they last summoned (non-sacrificed pets), even if it has since died. A sacrificed pet will not be resummoned on death (check patch notes here).
Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:
It does not resurrect your pet upon death.
- Firstaidkit
- Donor
- Posts: 2015
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
Thanks a lot for the fix!
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/firstaidkitsmolderforge for PvP and good music!
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/firstaidkitsmolderforge for PvP and good music!
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
Talent [Improved Searing Pain] is buggy, no extra cri % for the spell [Searing Pain] could be observed,
pls fix fast^^,
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculato ... lclassid=9
puzzling, it seams to work now...
pls fix fast^^,
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculato ... lclassid=9
puzzling, it seams to work now...
- Posts: 5
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
Pet bug in arena
Cant attack targets with pet in arena. First target usually work, but later in battle the pet just stops.
spamming attack on target don't help.
Keeping healer in combat is a must in arena as lock, impossible when the pet don't work :-(
And they die way to fast, with sl/sl spec they should last longer. (void vs melee, felhunter vs casters)
Cant attack targets with pet in arena. First target usually work, but later in battle the pet just stops.
spamming attack on target don't help.
Keeping healer in combat is a must in arena as lock, impossible when the pet don't work :-(
And they die way to fast, with sl/sl spec they should last longer. (void vs melee, felhunter vs casters)
- Posts: 301
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
This has been said before but I think it needs to be said again: Fear breaks way too easily. 1 Siphon Life tick is enough (roughly 200 with my stats) and that aint right.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Re: Warlock Bugs - Report here
Not on forums often but server is down so was lookin around and saw this. First of all, excellent progress so far, but us locks still need some love.
-Spell hit is still ridiculous, I've gone way over cap just to see if the percentages are wrong but still get resisted everywhere (I understand certain specs have extra resistance chance for fears/stuns, but when I'm dueling a Feral and they resist Shadowfury AND Fear six duels in a row, somethin's up), with 111 spell penetration as well (which is just unnecessary)
-Pets obviously will die fast, a lot of people are comparing things to how they were in later expansions and patches, but in TBC pets have no resilience, they're survivability will always just be based on armor/health/resistances. Therefore rogues and warriors in Sunwell gear should absolutely be 2 shotting them, you're lucky the demons last that long. Still, the pets tend to suck:
Felhunter- works fine besides resistances (which seems to be a common problem)
Succubus- If you cast Seduction, it will repeatedly cast it non-stop until it's out of mana, completely ruining your diminishing returns (shares DR with Fear)
Voidwalker- Only useful for Sacrifice obviously, but I've noticed I need to spam the hell out of my macro to get it to happen. Also seems to detect stealth better than a Felhunter does which doesn't really make sense in TBC.
Imp- Who cares? Nobody, but this probably the only demon where everything works (from the little I've used it on this server)
Felguard- Simply not enough damage as you've already seen complaints about. This thing is supposed to be the bee's freakin' knees, but it's kinda useless except it's nifty intercept.
-Curse of Recklessness- people don't use this one often, but it's actually pretty sweet to support a melee in your arena team, reduces armor by 800 but increases attack power by 135 (not sure on the AP, pulled it out of my ass), also makes the target immune to fear (what people don't like about it). Problem is, the fear part doesn't work, at all.
-The whole Fear breaking easily thing, I saw that Darkgroom mentioned there's a damage cap on fear, I'm pretty sure though that that was introduced in WotLK, and in BC it was all based on the original formula he had (might be wrong on this one, feel free to prove it
-Spell hit is still ridiculous, I've gone way over cap just to see if the percentages are wrong but still get resisted everywhere (I understand certain specs have extra resistance chance for fears/stuns, but when I'm dueling a Feral and they resist Shadowfury AND Fear six duels in a row, somethin's up), with 111 spell penetration as well (which is just unnecessary)
-Pets obviously will die fast, a lot of people are comparing things to how they were in later expansions and patches, but in TBC pets have no resilience, they're survivability will always just be based on armor/health/resistances. Therefore rogues and warriors in Sunwell gear should absolutely be 2 shotting them, you're lucky the demons last that long. Still, the pets tend to suck:
Felhunter- works fine besides resistances (which seems to be a common problem)
Succubus- If you cast Seduction, it will repeatedly cast it non-stop until it's out of mana, completely ruining your diminishing returns (shares DR with Fear)
Voidwalker- Only useful for Sacrifice obviously, but I've noticed I need to spam the hell out of my macro to get it to happen. Also seems to detect stealth better than a Felhunter does which doesn't really make sense in TBC.
Imp- Who cares? Nobody, but this probably the only demon where everything works (from the little I've used it on this server)
Felguard- Simply not enough damage as you've already seen complaints about. This thing is supposed to be the bee's freakin' knees, but it's kinda useless except it's nifty intercept.
-Curse of Recklessness- people don't use this one often, but it's actually pretty sweet to support a melee in your arena team, reduces armor by 800 but increases attack power by 135 (not sure on the AP, pulled it out of my ass), also makes the target immune to fear (what people don't like about it). Problem is, the fear part doesn't work, at all.
-The whole Fear breaking easily thing, I saw that Darkgroom mentioned there's a damage cap on fear, I'm pretty sure though that that was introduced in WotLK, and in BC it was all based on the original formula he had (might be wrong on this one, feel free to prove it
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