Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Amgseret »

So by your logic, if I suggest Henry to add a mount, I should get it too, to test, because it was my idea. -_-
Besides, if its so unfair to all player, why is there just one complaining ? But guess its over anyway for the moment, since its removed.

So what about the visual bug anyway, will it get fixed anytime soon ?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Henhouse »

Well, it's not really a bug per-se. See, transmogging is not a part of 2.4.3. This is a hack-way to do it. The game sends the display ID to the player and you see the item that it is associated with.

However, when INSPECTING a player, the game sends the item ID of the visual item that is displayed, so you see the original item the current item was transmogged to. So while it's not a bug in the actual game, it's a stopping point we're not really sure how to get across. There may be a way to get the client to send the mixed information, or there may not be. I'm not sure.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Henhouse wrote:It's exactly for these reasons I am not going to let you test it. I did it on the live server to have exposure to the actual population and see if anyone was commenting on the bug, or reporting problems. Additionally, it's easier. I have removed all the transmogs, it just takes a restart to fully clear them, so calm down.

No, I believe the items must be in your bags.
Oke thanks for the information that's great =).
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Cube »

Other servers that has the same feature has the same problems. Same goes for the Mage spell Mirror Image. If you have transmogs and pop it, the mirrors will still display your real gear. That's not gonna be a "problem" here though, but I guess the source of the problem is the same.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Henhouse »

Ah, then it's likely an unfixable problem, else the creator of the transmog feature would have programmed it correctly.

Guess I could look into implementing it now if the community is in favor...
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Amgseret »

Would be kewl for sure, just keep it to a minimum somehow.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Henhouse wrote:Ah, then it's likely an unfixable problem, else the creator of the transmog feature would have programmed it correctly.

Guess I could look into implementing it now if the community is in favor...
Yes, please I'm so looking forward to this! Any information on what the price will be? Also if I transmog my Brutal headpiece to something else, it still counts for the Brutal Setbonus?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Vumm »

This idea looks cool then I can finally make use of all the cool gear in my bag.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Kremu »

That would mess up the balance in this server, just saying
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Peekaboo »

Not a big fan of that tbh...
Depends how hard it is to obtain, but is faking gear really that necessary?
I mean people can edit that client side aswell anyway (both MPQ and cache works just fine, unless the former gets filtered by Warden), with the added benefit to not annoy everyone else with personal preferences (as it's just client side).
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