Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Deems »

The first transmog you can get on AT is 1750, then 2000, 2200 (2250? don't remember) and even higher in 3s.

They're not even rare tbh.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Amgseret »

Deems wrote:The first transmog you can get on AT is 1750, then 2000, 2200 (2250? don't remember) and even higher in 3s.

They're not even rare tbh.
But Wrath gear looks all the same anyway, yea
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Deems »

good joke
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Henhouse »

Amgseret wrote:2.1k rating requirement is what keeps it rare. Without some kind of limit, we have swp fags running in pre tbc gear everywhere.
If we do end up implementing it, it will not be an arena-exclusive thing. While this makes sense for AT, it most certainly won't here. People already complain about the S4 pricing (which I admit is high intentionally) but no one will reach 2.1k without wintrading or being an arena finalist which is only a handful of people. Not related to arena, and honestly is where most of the skeptisim comes from view what people are wearing in arena.

It'll either be like a purchased feature with badges, honor, vote points, possibly. And then probably most certainly a donation feature to keep it exclusive. But I haven't really decided anything yet.

I think it'll add some nice spice to the server in a way.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Amgseret »

Henhouse wrote:
Amgseret wrote:2.1k rating requirement is what keeps it rare. Without some kind of limit, we have swp fags running in pre tbc gear everywhere.
If we do end up implementing it, it will not be an arena-exclusive thing. While this makes sense for AT, it most certainly won't here. People already complain about the S4 pricing (which I admit is high intentionally) but no one will reach 2.1k without wintrading or being an arena finalist which is only a handful of people. Not related to arena, and honestly is where most of the skeptisim comes from view what people are wearing in arena.

It'll either be like a purchased feature with badges, honor, vote points, possibly. And then probably most certainly a donation feature to keep it exclusive. But I haven't really decided anything yet.

I think it'll add some nice spice to the server in a way.
Yes, obviously arena rating wont work that well here or only if its around 1.8k ish.

A new way to spend badges wouldnt hurt for sure.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Mcrofl »

Votepoints seems fair :-) Would be a nice thing, will also make even more people vote. Would be kinda weird if people had to donate for it in my opinion.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Xaru »

Cube wrote:
Xaru wrote:I can see why you want to try it so badly Firstaidkit! That mask of yours has become synonymous with you!
Him, and Drakedog. Mostly Drakedog.

Ok. Drakedog.
Oh yeah, I forgot Drakedog wore that green mask. I used to watch all his movies, how did I forget. >.<
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Exsurgo »

I take it would be very difficult/impossible to make the transmog only take effect outside arena?
I don't think it will break arena because players wear the same gear combinations anyway and you can tell how much pve gear they have from their hp.

I also think it is a good opportunity to get people voting like crazy for the server. I think each transmog item should cost 50 or so badges of justice each. Or maybe an additional alternative could be 2k arena points?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

I'm so waiting on this, hope this will happen some time in the future.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Imperium »

cool. i can finally wear legit gear with my hand of ragnaros displayed and HWL
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