Hunt druid 2v2 vid

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Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Slander »

Antique wrote:no,i',m 11/11/39(Locust Swarm/Feral Charge/39p in resto) due to that i've been playing it for over two years and it's indeed better than 34/0/27 for Hunt/Druid

on Nagrand you WANT to get that Feral Charge in so your hunter can reach the healer/DPSer and start pewpewing
you need to look up specs for the old 2.4 version of hunt/druid,
i guarantee that 90% of the druids are specced dreamstate
i played a 2k to 2.2k rated druid and played hunt/druid, we tried both dreamstate and your spec, dreamstate we found was way more effective. Cheesed was my druid btw, in case you wanna armory him, i dont play him on retail now. Lysander was the hunter
Slander- Undead Male Priest
Discreet- Human Female Rogue
Muggz- Undead Male Mage
Trippedout- Gnome Female Warrior

Posts: 185

Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Tonxik »

and why almost every druid hunt team i know that are over 2.3k were feral charge...including one ofthe best teams in world
Red sun rises...Blood has been spilled at night!
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Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Rdruid »

I usually go 0/0/61 for hunter/druid combo, it helps a lot because i can healing touch my partner for a rather significant amount. Also, it helps a lot because when i NS healing touch the pet i am able to keep him alive through atleast another 6000, yes thats a 6 with three 0's following it, damage. I can also still go bear form and this helps a lot when damage dealing classes (ie warriors) get on me.It raises my armor value by a LARGE sum. I really like this because then i will not be hit very hard and i can run around and pretend no one is attacking me for a considerable amount of time. When i get low i usually only have to do healing touch 2 times in order to get back to full health. I can repeat this process over and over, and i will win every single match i ever play.
Posts: 185

Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Tonxik »

Rdruid wrote:I usually go 0/0/61 for hunter/druid combo, it helps a lot because i can healing touch my partner for a rather significant amount. Also, it helps a lot because when i NS healing touch the pet i am able to keep him alive through atleast another 6000, yes thats a 6 with three 0's following it, damage. I can also still go bear form and this helps a lot when damage dealing classes (ie warriors) get on me.It raises my armor value by a LARGE sum. I really like this because then i will not be hit very hard and i can run around and pretend no one is attacking me for a considerable amount of time. When i get low i usually only have to do healing touch 2 times in order to get back to full health. I can repeat this process over and over, and i will win every single match i ever play.
riiiiight...but kinda right:P
Red sun rises...Blood has been spilled at night!
Posts: 334

Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

Rdruid wrote:I usually go 0/0/61 for hunter/druid combo, it helps a lot because i can healing touch my partner for a rather significant amount. Also, it helps a lot because when i NS healing touch the pet i am able to keep him alive through atleast another 6000, yes thats a 6 with three 0's following it, damage. I can also still go bear form and this helps a lot when damage dealing classes (ie warriors) get on me.It raises my armor value by a LARGE sum. I really like this because then i will not be hit very hard and i can run around and pretend no one is attacking me for a considerable amount of time. When i get low i usually only have to do healing touch 2 times in order to get back to full health. I can repeat this process over and over, and i will win every single match i ever play.
lol at you sir, enough with the drinking...maybe stars tears next time enough with the samuel adams
Its Fluckadinz!
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Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by NeXTdarE »

To the hunt/drood vs war/somekindofhealer

Generally war has almost no chance of being moving. Why? Spell reflect doesnt work instantly, only when there are absolutely no lag, and thats one hour in a day. And still it takes at least 1s for every macro, MaNGOS isnt perfect.

Pet runs through pillars, so you cant even catch it to not get cc from drood. Hams + pillar kite pet - no longer exists. Yes, you can then pummel drood, intercept him, fear him, pally stun him or something, but if you do so the hunter comes to scatter & trap you again.
Taunt? Doesnt work on pets on Smold.

You got trap, you got cyclone, you got second, droods casting entagles, but you cant reflect it - because of free server. So you end up in cc again. Drood casting 2nd entagle - sees the shield, cancels entagles, casts rank 1 moonfire, entagles again. You got on him? Bear form + insta entagle. You go on pet? Running to pillar, you get another cc.

Basically you cant get the chance to nuke down the pets.
On retail, war can 3 hit pet to smash him. On Smold you must 10hit him or so >.<
Calanthe <=> Night Elf Hunter
7/43/11 Marksmanship
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Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

we won
Its Fluckadinz!
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Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Skriot »

why brg flux ur playing war/druid live with it try some tricky combo than hamstring spam and rng :P
Posts: 334

Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

didnt understand half that maybe cuz im not awake, but do you want to play again skriot?
Its Fluckadinz!
Posts: 334

Re: Hunt druid 2v2 vid

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

Skriot wrote:why brg flux ur playing war/druid live with it try some tricky combo than hamstring spam and rng :P
maybe im just dumb but idk wat brg is...and dont qq about rng when we both fell thru the earth lol
Its Fluckadinz!
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