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Henry wrote:I can implement it, but I have a lot of people opposed to the idea. Especially due to things like BGs, arena, etc. a lot of people still recognize what a player is wearing and speced, etc. based on gear and transmogrifying may be prone to having.
If you make em hard to get (but not too hard) not everyone will have them.. make people have to put hard work in to get them, Ratings - Med/high Donation Price. They can have same stats as arena gear, just change the look of em because thats all people will get them for
Forget About Guns, Forget Ammunition Cos Im Killing Them All On My Own Little Mission
Remedy - Night Elf Priest [Wotlk]
Theodore - Human Paladin [Wotlk]
I'm not sure which server you are suggesting this for, but our new TBC core that we have been working on lately -- it's already been implemented. That doesn't mean I'm going to use it though, but we have the code for it already in and working 100% (tested).
As for Wrath, I don't think it's really needed at this time. As for TBC, I will need to be convinced to use it. The quote from Overdozze, I still stand by. Many players rely on that gear-visuals to know what the player is specced as, or even quick-recognition of class sometimes. I feel like this will totally confuse the player in combat.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
It sure will, so best way is making it donation, so if its know that you can donate for something like that, people will be almost 100% sure, that the HWL wearing guy infront of them, is very likely a full swp faggot.
If its something like 10-15-20 bucks, it prolly wont be used to often either.
Henhouse wrote:I'm not sure which server you are suggesting this for, but our new TBC core that we have been working on lately -- it's already been implemented. That doesn't mean I'm going to use it though, but we have the code for it already in and working 100% (tested).
As for Wrath, I don't think it's really needed at this time. As for TBC, I will need to be convinced to use it. The quote from Overdozze, I still stand by. Many players rely on that gear-visuals to know what the player is specced as, or even quick-recognition of class sometimes. I feel like this will totally confuse the player in combat.
Makes PvP abit more exciting not knowing what your going up against.. more of a challenge
Forget About Guns, Forget Ammunition Cos Im Killing Them All On My Own Little Mission
Remedy - Night Elf Priest [Wotlk]
Theodore - Human Paladin [Wotlk]
Amgseret wrote:
If its something like 10-15-20 bucks, it prolly wont be used to often either.
I didn't really think of treating it like a donation. I suppose I could consider it. It would keep it more rare, but still offer it.
There's some people like Firstaidkit who wear a green head piece just for the looks. Think of the amount of stats and skill he loses just to wear that. I think transmogging would be helpful for people in that regard. But, it would be actually quite easy programming wise for me to implement something like this onto TBC via donation or whatever.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Amgseret wrote:
If its something like 10-15-20 bucks, it prolly wont be used to often either.
I didn't really think of treating it like a donation. I suppose I could consider it. It would keep it more rare, but still offer it.
There's some people like Firstaidkit who wear a green head piece just for the looks. Think of the amount of stats and skill he loses just to wear that. I think transmogging would be helpful for people in that regard. But, it would be actually quite easy programming wise for me to implement something like this onto TBC via donation or whatever.
That's actually the only piece I want on TBC without losing stats for it. And I'm willing to donate 50 bucks for it or even more name a price lol idc.
Kisses and hugs are included already.
But it's also an nice idea for the people that want to wear High Warlord gear, Legendaries or other gearsets. To stop those 12038208320198302198 threads on the forum about adding Glaives and such things.
And what if people don't recognize my gear anymore they start running for me anyways when they see me and I have the same gearset even if they attack me later in the bg. Also you can inspect in mall easily to see the right stats on those gearpieces.
I think this is also a great new feature to give some attention to TBC. We haven't had something new on it for a while now and this is a great way to promote it. I could make a video about it on YouTube for promotional purpose only.
Amgseret wrote:
If its something like 10-15-20 bucks, it prolly wont be used to often either.
I didn't really think of treating it like a donation. I suppose I could consider it. It would keep it more rare, but still offer it.
There's some people like Firstaidkit who hear a green head piece just for the looks. Think of the amount of stats and skill he loses just to wear that. I think transmogging would be helpful for people in that regard. But, it would be actually quite easy programming wise for me to implement something like this onto TBC via donation or whatever.
That's actually the only piece I want on TBC without losing stats for it. And I'm willing to donate 50 bucks for it or even more name a price lol idc.
Kisses and hugs are included already.
But it's also an nice idea for the people that want to wear High Warlord gear, Legendaries or other gearsets. To stop those 12038208320198302198 threads on the forum about adding Glaives and such things.
And what if people don't recognize my gear anymore they start running for me anyways when they see me and I have the same gearset even if they attack me later in the bg. Also you can inspect in mall easily to see the right stats on those gearpieces.
I think this is also a great new feature to give some attention to TBC. We haven't had something new on it for a while now and this is a great way to promote it. I could make a video about it on YouTube for promotional purpose only.
+1 Really. Not many TBC servers offer this. It is a really great way to differentiate our server from the others out there. I think a donation or hefty vote option would be the best way to do this, as not every player and his dog should be running around with a transmorg on his main and 10x alts.