Player Numbers

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Player Numbers

Post by Velkyn »

I had been looking forward to the release of WOTLK but when it was released I see that I can't do not only PvP even PvE... I understand the server is new, yes... But that should make you let the hordes and allies join the same raid/party like tbc server. Finding a heroic daily dungeon is almost impossible let alone raiding. I hope you fix this issue because players are getting really bored of WOTLK

Kind regads,
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Re: Player Numbers

Post by Henhouse »

This is actually one of the changes I meant to do, thank you for reminding me.

I think it's best for now, like you said, that we start with this. I will keep guilds separated because in the future when we want to separate then it would be impossible to do without disbanding everyone's guilds.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Player Numbers

Post by Velkyn »

Yeah I can understand the guild problem, have you sorted this out now? because I saw a dranei paladin in my group like 10mins ago. If so, thank you !! :D
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Re: Player Numbers

Post by Henhouse »

Velkyn wrote:Yeah I can understand the guild problem, have you sorted this out now? because I saw a dranei paladin in my group like 10mins ago. If so, thank you !! :D
Yes, you can cross-faction group now.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Player Numbers

Post by Paulheyman »

Join guilds make buddies, i have to do something everyday doing daily dungeons or such raiding ICC, NAXX,OS and such for titles and so on hook me up mate and i'll carry you through everything and share our/my experience can't wait for LK/Sindra/BQL/Council to be workin! :)
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Re: Player Numbers

Post by Felixx »

Cant horde/alliance in guilds can yu? alliance seem to have all the good guilds going, horde have nowt resally, id create one but no-one would sign charter!
Posts: 29

Re: Player Numbers

Post by Dingdong »

Is it possible to enable cross faction trading and mail? There have been a couple times when in a dungeon with opposing faction members and someone tries to trade, but it does not work. If it's a big thing though, it's not a big deal.
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Re: Player Numbers

Post by Henhouse »

Dingdong wrote:Is it possible to enable cross faction trading and mail? There have been a couple times when in a dungeon with opposing faction members and someone tries to trade, but it does not work. If it's a big thing though, it's not a big deal.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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