Emblems of Triumph

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Emblems of Triumph

Post by Maiyuki »

Could we have more use's for emblems of triumph i know you can use em on professions and gear
but if u dont need any of those things they're basicly useless so my suggestion is maybe be able to trade 10 for one Emblem of justice or maybe a bunch for honor or somthing.
Posts: 2551

Re: Emblems of Triumph

Post by Cube »

This will happen with the currency on a fun-server, sooner or later. If it's not triumphs, it's frosts. It'll happen to honor and arena-points as well. I would personally say no, if you want the best gear around, you should at least show some sort of dedication. Even with the current inactivity on the server, people are progressing stat-wise.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 15

Re: Emblems of Triumph

Post by Rieetion »

Well tbh i agree with you maiyuki I mean basicly if you have bought everything that you can on EoT then its just going to waste why cant you like have 10Eot = 1 EoJ thats like @ least the best thing to do since the weops are light 100 EoJ so it makes the player Think its Impossible TO get it.
Posts: 37

Re: Emblems of Triumph

Post by Maydie »

Would be nice with more uses indeed.
Posts: 18

Re: Emblems of Triumph

Post by Whiteblood »

Maydie wrote:Would be nice with more uses indeed.
I drank a Lava Lamp once, it wasn't really Lava
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Re: Emblems of Triumph

Post by Cube »

Rieetion wrote:Well tbh i agree with you maiyuki I mean basicly if you have bought everything that you can on EoT then its just going to waste why cant you like have 10Eot = 1 EoJ thats like @ least the best thing to do since the weops are light 100 EoJ so it makes the player Think its Impossible TO get it.
The only weapons above 100 Boj's are the LK 271 weapons, and they're obviously not designed to be the first weapon to go for.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
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Re: Emblems of Triumph

Post by Henhouse »

Expect to see more mounts and tabards added eventually and use this currency.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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