GY farming

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Posts: 37

GY farming

Post by Maydie »

Well topic name says it

First one is: Anhydrous

Second: Mootswaifu

Third: Vanguard

And yes I got nice binds, I know.
Posts: 53

Re: GY farming

Post by Semex »

All i see is myself vanguard pressing the wrong key and charging up...followed by getting completely pwnd...Nice binds breh :)
Posts: 37

Re: GY farming

Post by Maydie »

Semex wrote:All i see is myself vanguard pressing the wrong key and charging up...followed by getting completely pwnd...Nice binds breh :)
Then why am I hit by Mortal Strike? :-)
Posts: 29

Re: GY farming

Post by Dingdong »

Here's some Screens of Zeus, Roness, and Purplekush attacking spawns.
Posts: 18

Re: GY farming

Post by Whiteblood »

I would say to Purplekush' defense that they attacked him so he attacked them in response, he was not aware it wasn't allowed.

Edit: however I won't speak on Zeus behalf, he was in my group but I do not condone of the continous farming from him.
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Posts: 29

Re: GY farming

Post by Twinkles »

Vanguard and Mootswaifu have been suspended for 24h because of graveyard camping.

And Dingdong, It is allowed to stand below and attack. But it is not allowed to go up to the graveyard and camp.
Retired Game Master.
Posts: 53

Re: GY farming

Post by Semex »

Couse i had to defend myself and to the new GM theres a difference between GY farmning and sitting on a gy.How did you know i didnt get griped there or something you dont even let players explain the situation couse of fugly trolls like maydiez...anyway cya in a couple of days guys
Posts: 53

Re: GY farming

Post by Semex »

uhm and camping from below doesent count -_- guess i can make a range class and farm the gy all day then
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Game Master
Posts: 29

Re: GY farming

Post by Twinkles »

Semex wrote:Couse i had to defend myself and to the new GM theres a difference between GY farmning and sitting on a gy.How did you know i didnt get griped there or something you dont even let players explain the situation couse of fugly trolls like maydiez...anyway cya in a couple of days guys
Because in the screenshots I can clearly see you are using spells on the players. If you don't wanna risk anything don't be so close to the graveyards. They are ment for people to buff up and get ready to get out fighting again.
Retired Game Master.
Posts: 5

Re: GY farming

Post by Niredrum3 »

I hardly see the point in this no gy camping business when there's a portal right behind you when you res.. That and like someone already said people can DG you up and take a screen shot to make it look like you're trying to fight. Vanguard was "gy camping" without knowing it, and once maydiez said it's against the rules to do so he jumped down and did not try it again. It's more than well known that players in this game blow small issues out of proportion while upset during pvp. GY camping with a portal right behind you that takes you away? I think not.
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