What Makes TBC So Great?

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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Robotking »

i played classic from the first day of wow and i loved it. the people in classic times were more friendly and helpful that was the best thing of classic wow.

"What makes TBC so great?"

-great instances
-good balance PVE and PVP
-no easy mode
-nice item design
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Cube »

Riski wrote:While I personally like vanilla more than any other expansion I do have to disagree with you there. Vanilla had a lot of problems. It was the earliest version of the game and lacked a lot of things that could have made the game MUCH better that have been added in later expansions. The game had less to do with skill and more to do with free time. You had to invest a LOT of your life into the game to get far and some people weren't able to do that. It gave you a feel that you really worked for you items and character which is what I enjoyed the most, but a lot of people just couldn't handle making WoW the most important thing in their life and if you couldn't do that you really couldn't enjoy it to its fullest.
Riski said it.
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Shirudo »

Assninja wrote:
Shirudo wrote:
Assninja wrote:If you guys say TBC was the best you surely didnt play pre TBC. Pre TBC was made for the real players. It was really hard to get epics and to be successful.

With each expansion the game has just gotten more noob friendly. When i stopped playing just after wotlk got launched i felt like the bottom were reached. I mean it couldnt be any easier to get epics.

In pre TBC epics were status, if you had epics you were awesome/non lifer. In TBC it were more like "ok that guy has done some karazhan runs." And in wotlk you were laughed at if you didnt have any epics.

Damn i miss pre TBC! :(
Vanilla = Overrated, PvP was a lot more balanced though I must admit PvE gear vs PvP gear and PvP gear just had more stamina.

Well maybe I'm just saying this cuz paladins were total mushrooms back in the day.
Auto-attacking and hoping for a SoC procc. Without reckoning we weren't amazing.
You cant really be serious when you say that Vanilla were overrated?! Im sorry and dont want to be rude but the people who didnt like Vanilla were in most cases just too "noobish" and didnt handle the pressure and skills required on 60.
You can't tell me you really loved the grind, running MC/BWL/Onyxia 20000000 times.
but I admit when receiving an epic it was the best achievement ever, anyway my point is everyone misses the good stuff, but forgot how some things were pretty annoying.

And ofcourse I miss it aswell, but a lot of stuff really could be different back in the day just saying.
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Assninja »

Riski wrote: While I personally like vanilla more than any other expansion I do have to disagree with you there. Vanilla had a lot of problems. It was the earliest version of the game and lacked a lot of things that could have made the game MUCH better that have been added in later expansions. The game had less to do with skill and more to do with free time. You had to invest a LOT of your life into the game to get far and some people weren't able to do that. It gave you a feel that you really worked for you items and character which is what I enjoyed the most, but a lot of people just couldn't handle making WoW the most important thing in their life and if you couldn't do that you really couldn't enjoy it to its fullest.
Well you got a good point there but i mean thats what made it such a perfect game. You got to be one with your character and the game werent ment for people who didnt have much time to play it.
Shirudo wrote: You can't tell me you really loved the grind, running MC/BWL/Onyxia 20000000 times.
but I admit when receiving an epic it was the best achievement ever, anyway my point is everyone misses the good stuff, but forgot how some things were pretty annoying.

And ofcourse I miss it aswell, but a lot of stuff really could be different back in the day just saying.
And thats what made the epics to give you a status. If you were full epic T1/T2 you had raided sooo hard for it and you could shine when you are running around in orgrimmar and see when people admire your non-lifeness :D
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Riski »

Assninja wrote:
Shirudo wrote: You can't tell me you really loved the grind, running MC/BWL/Onyxia 20000000 times.
but I admit when receiving an epic it was the best achievement ever, anyway my point is everyone misses the good stuff, but forgot how some things were pretty annoying.

And ofcourse I miss it aswell, but a lot of stuff really could be different back in the day just saying.
And thats what made the epics to give you a status. If you were full epic T1/T2 you had raided sooo hard for it and you could shine when you are running around in orgrimmar and see when people admire your non-lifeness :D
I remember when I hit 40 on my troll rogue I had grinded crocs for hours in Dustwallow Marsh because if I did another quest I would have killed myself, and after hitting it I bought my mount with money I borrowed from 3 guild mates and ran around Orgrimmar for an hour on it. Got a good number of people to join in with me too.
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Assninja »

Haha well i must say the same :P when i were like 46(?) i were so sick of questing/leveling so i spent over a week just doing some BGs and inspecting shit and talking to people. But once you hit lvl 60 and start the pre raid bis gearing. Oh that was lovely!
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Felixx »

I started playing just before TBC came out, so never really did any pre-tbc raids.. but once i hit 70 and got into a main raiding guild, those were the best times ever, like henhouse said you always remember the times with your guildies. was some epic moments.. taking down gruul for 1st time then getting to the higher ones.. but as wrath was coming out i stopped playing, i was just too busy playing football, committed more to the sport, and now av just started coming on and messing around, debated wether to go on proper servers but read some bad reviews saying its all gone downhill so here i am playing on smolderforge :)
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Balls »

If you legitimately think Vanilla was the best because of pvp balance you're deluded and probably just forgot to take your nostalgia goggles off. The fact of the matter is, obviously that there wasn't any balance to begin with, it was mostly just gear based gibbing of terrible pve players. Pve content was alright, if you did go as far as later bosses of AQ40 / Naxx.

Overall the game was still really basic, and some of the game mechanics were really poorly designed. I think TBC is still my favourite expansion, but unfortunately on private servers you can't get anywhere near the experience that live offered.

Wrath is OK. I like some of the things they did in later patches, some of them I don't. PvP in season 7 and 8 was mostly okay, apart from pve gear and wiz cleaves.
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Re: What Makes TBC So Great?

Post by Amgseret »

TBC isnt as shitty as the rest.
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