Deems wrote:No its horde too.
Oh. What's up with people? Anyway, I'm starting a guild to boost teamwork-oriented PvPers. I'm nothing too special by myself but I'm pretty good at planning and management so I figure I'm a good leader.
The only thing that sucks is nobody else is doing what I'm doing, and everyone just stacks in a few random guilds with no real focus. I can understand why premades would steamroll people if most people don't have the capacity (?) to form a coherent guild/team.
I'll do what I can to improve teamwork on the server, but I'm only one man and I only speak English. Plus it seems sometimes like nobody gives a fuck. Or at least the ones who don't are the most vocal. When I try to get people to cooperate (rally the troops, so to say) in a BG I'm always told to "shut up" or that I'm "qqing."