Not everyone is on the forums.notice how everyone else on the forums gives about 0.91 fucks about pve?
Im sorry,we aren't Iranians,I never exploited Swp,and if you say there are people in the guild let me game it's different, but what can Henhouse do? open SWP so you can abuse it again
So get the swp loot drop in BT,problem solved.please, give us legitimate suggestions for PvE, and no, not some stupid badge of justice worth or prize content for completing pve.
No its not your fault,and we arent blaming you for any of this.We got SS of our MH clear+all the other instances that we cleared.And only reason Cutie pie got past the council is cause a GM killed em for us.And we didn't kill RoS.Like I said there's no need to open a bugged swp,get the loot to drop in BT imo.You do realize that 75% of the people raid for gear(non donors in this case)..which is why they leave other raids when we wipe. :)Henhouse wrote:I don't understand how people ditching raids is somehow my fault. I haven't seen you clear Mount Hyjal or 95% of Black Temple like Cutiepie did. So you're saying if I magically opened Sunwell all your problems would be fixed? You do realize Sunwell is like the only closed raid, right? All instances and raids are open and the function moderately well.