PvE on Smolderforge

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Posts: 14

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Zammy »

notice how everyone else on the forums gives about 0.91 fucks about pve?
Not everyone is on the forums.
in game it's different, but what can Henhouse do? open SWP so you can abuse it again
Im sorry,we aren't Iranians,I never exploited Swp,and if you say there are people in the guild let me know.
please, give us legitimate suggestions for PvE, and no, not some stupid badge of justice worth or prize content for completing pve.
So get the swp loot drop in BT,problem solved.
Henhouse wrote:I don't understand how people ditching raids is somehow my fault. I haven't seen you clear Mount Hyjal or 95% of Black Temple like Cutiepie did. So you're saying if I magically opened Sunwell all your problems would be fixed? You do realize Sunwell is like the only closed raid, right? All instances and raids are open and the function moderately well.
No its not your fault,and we arent blaming you for any of this.We got SS of our MH clear+all the other instances that we cleared.And only reason Cutie pie got past the council is cause a GM killed em for us.And we didn't kill RoS.Like I said there's no need to open a bugged swp,get the loot to drop in BT imo.You do realize that 75% of the people raid for gear(non donors in this case)..which is why they leave other raids when we wipe. :)
Posts: 14

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Solectra »

Why can't we run BT? Not enough people that are competent to run the raid, pugs? Please, we're here to succeed and not to wipe because someone didn't move 20 yards.
95% of Black Temple like Cutiepie did
Give us people. BTW, 50% of MYTH members are former Cutiepies.
All instances and raids are open and the function moderately well.
Ran it.
content they're blind to the open content around it.

Ran it.
.\ /.

/quit SF
btw hen doesn't give a f*** about pve
Posts: 7855
Location: Sweden

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Henhouse »

Solectra wrote: Ran it.
.\ /.

/quit SF
btw hen doesn't give a f*** about pve
I'm pretty sure if I didn't I wouldn't have worked hard to open BT last year in the first place, and TK a few months ago for that matter.

If you've ran all the content, what makes SWP so invigorating? Let's hypothecially say you ARE able to clear it, and you do. What next? Bitching that I make custom content or hurry up and release Wrath? PvE ends. Your downtalking attitude of course doesn't want to make me help you on PvE.

I still don't think you understand how much time it takes to run a server and develop another. Sure, I am on summer break now but that allows me more time to continue working on things already. PvE is one of the longest, challenging and in many ways pointless things to work on for a private server. I think you're confusing saying I hate PvE with not getting your way. I love PvE, I was mainly a PvE player during all of my WoW career. I just KNOW from 4+ years of experience how fucking difficult it is to have a PvE environment that is working, appreciated, and not exploited and shat upon.

My interests are elsewhere at the moment, yes. Wrath is deliver heaps of new PvE content anyway. TBC only has 1 left that is broken.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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