PvE on Smolderforge

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Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Imperium »

Mynce wrote:
depends on what kinda of updates your expecting.
i mean its TBC you cant expect any new raids.
and most of the pve'ers like stated above Abused SWP to get Recipes and SWP loot.
so in otherwords the good must suffer under the bad.

imo , lets see if you guys can handle BT at all.
if you cant down illi i see no reason for hen to open SWP.
Posts: 3

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Bobfbi »

People are really starting to leave the server due to lack of PvE. Sooner or later having PvE content will be pointless as no one will ever whether give it a try, or pass it.
Better attempt to rebirth it now, that later when nothing will probably save it.
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Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Mynce »

Mynce wrote:
imo , lets see if you guys can handle BT at all.
if you cant down illi i see no reason for hen to open SWP.
Feenix does the same thing, they arent opening Naxx untill AQ is cleared.
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Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Solectra »

To the best I recall, about 20 to 50 people were playing on this server, just because of a simple content, called PvE. Now that it's all forgotten, this server, for those amount of players, is no longer intriguing enough.
For now, even a few(half) of <MYTH> members had neglected the guild, and bailed from guild raids, not for the first nor the second time.
With all that said, it is quite obvious SF will lose more and more players, due to lack of interesting content, besides farming pointless & useless HKs, which will take approximately a week and a half, maybe a month, to lose the point of doing that as well.

Think about something that may interest us all, otherwise, listen to us, and what we want, while it's reasonable, of course.
Offtopic: GY farming with a random group is also a possibility.
Posts: 2058

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Imperium »

Solectra wrote:
Think about something that may interest us all, otherwise, listen to us, and what we want, while it's reasonable, of course.
it's actually what you want. notice how everyone else on the forums gives about 0.91 fucks about pve? in game it's different, but what can Henhouse do? open SWP so you can abuse it again?
please, give us legitimate suggestions for PvE, and no, not some stupid badge of justice worth or prize content for completing pve.
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Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Henhouse »

I don't understand how people ditching raids is somehow my fault. I haven't seen you clear Mount Hyjal or 95% of Black Temple like Cutiepie did. So you're saying if I magically opened Sunwell all your problems would be fixed? You do realize Sunwell is like the only closed raid, right? All instances and raids are open and the function moderately well.
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Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Mynce »

Imperium wrote:
Mynce wrote:

imo , lets see if you guys can handle BT at all.
if you cant down illi i see no reason for hen to open SWP.
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Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Imperium »

Mynce wrote:
Imperium wrote:
Mynce wrote:

imo , lets see if you guys can handle BT at all.
if you cant down illi i see no reason for hen to open SWP.
also what Hen said. they're so focused on SWP being their pinnacle of a raid and PvE content they're blind to the open content around it.

imo, open SWP and buff the bosses Henhouse, see how quick they /gdisband and give up
Posts: 11

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Tahra »

Mr. Imperium, there isn't much content arround it. We already did ZA 6/6, Gruul 2/2, Maghteridon 1/1, SSC 6/6, TK 2/4, Hyial 5/5, BT 4/9 and the Doomwalker 1/1 ;)

You see, that just TK and BT are missing.
But nevermind. Hold on with SwP. You don't need to hurry up with it.

Have a nice day and love to all (:
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Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Post by Mayore »

it's all about patterns from swp
zerg farmers
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