Kzv + elani = pro

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Posts: 59
Location: Sweden, Gothemburg

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Grimar »

Kzv wrote:I heard ppl like shamans
Ye everyone loves em here. Resto shamans are like Chuck Norris on smolderforge.

Btw im on Kzv's side here. Zat abuse grounding all the time and it's so extremly lame and stealth orbs work.
Grimar Undead Rogue Donator
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Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Zatrex »

no comment.. hen pls remove grounding .. or fix it and orbs doesnt work atleast not like they should i guess.You can never catch a rogue.And btw Ofc that noobs like you Grimar, that are angry couse they have lost from me are going on kzv's side O.o
Zat - Tauren Shaman
Zatrex - Draenai Shaman
Lifeless - Orc shaman
Posts: 59
Location: Sweden, Gothemburg

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Grimar »

Zatrex wrote:no comment.. hen pls remove grounding .. or fix it and orbs doesnt work atleast not like they should i guess.You can never catch a rogue.And btw Ofc that noobs like you Grimar, that are angry couse they have lost from me are going on kzv's side O.o
Ye dude im crying irl i lost around 5 games to some CZ tard that think he's awesome and yes i care so much about WoW it's srs bussnz after all.
Play spriest rogue yourself and see how fun it is against healer teams with no wound poison.

Im going to Kzv's side because he's about 100x more skilled then you.

Im shocked that henhouse didn't ban u since you had donator gear but no mounts.

Btw tell me please what makes me a newbie?

You failed man. You said no comment and yet you made one :(
Grimar Undead Rogue Donator
Icecakez Undead Mage Donator
Phatfarm Tauren Druid Donator
Evil?â??l Undead Priest Donator
Griml?â??l Undead Warlock
Posts: 33

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Zatrex »

Grimar wrote:
Zatrex wrote:no comment.. hen pls remove grounding .. or fix it and orbs doesnt work atleast not like they should i guess.You can never catch a rogue.And btw Ofc that noobs like you Grimar, that are angry couse they have lost from me are going on kzv's side O.o
Ye dude im crying irl i lost around 5 games to some CZ tard that think he's awesome and yes i care so much about WoW it's srs bussnz after all.
Play spriest rogue yourself and see how fun it is against healer teams with no wound poison.

Im going to Kzv's side because he's about 100x more skilled then you.

Im shocked that henhouse didn't ban u since you had donator gear but no mounts.

Btw tell me please what makes me a newbie?

You failed man. You said no comment and yet you made one :(
Omfg i had only the pets and such... nothing like s4 mounts Sunwell gear or something.. and btw cz?! lul and i havent said that kzv isnt more skilled than me i know he is but the thing he did was tard.
Zat - Tauren Shaman
Zatrex - Draenai Shaman
Lifeless - Orc shaman
Posts: 33

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Viewtwo »

haha after more than 4 months , actualy almost half year i am thinking to make copy of my wow that ill downgrade to get back on smolder , seems like same ppl never change :D kzv no offence but cmon , its more than obvious that you did pretty lame thing , i think an apologize would fix it all ;) anyhow , see ya soon guys - Real view :X
Posts: 40

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Kzv »

nothing here i would like to fix :)
i find many things lame.. such as grouding under bridge
Posts: 33

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Zatrex »

Kzv wrote:nothing here i would like to fix :)
i find many things lame.. such as grouding under bridge
Zat - Tauren Shaman
Zatrex - Draenai Shaman
Lifeless - Orc shaman
Posts: 334

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

OMFG VIEWTWO!!! AWESOMESAUCE sweet, im totally gunna fucking skeet when he gets back, players with morals, thats fun to play against sweet
Its Fluckadinz!
Posts: 64

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Rdruid »

That's pretty dumb to just sit in stealth when you lost, you need to deal with the bugs on smolderforge or just leave if they make you too mad. Wasting other peoples time because you're mad at a bug is pretty low.
Posts: 40

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Post by Kzv »

They wasted their own time - yes..
If they were tired of stealth orb bug, they could just leave..
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