Hey i just wanted to share the movie i did with my hunter playing in melee combat.All players in this video are very good i'd say and i made more then just these duels you see in the video of course.Won and lost more against these people.Don't judge them for anything please.
Also don't judge me for videoquality please i just have windows moviemaker so i can't really go for HQ or editing.And the scrolling combat text..ye i'm sorry for that but when i noticed how annoying it is i already had most footage.
If the video doesn't work for you because of copyright download this program or anything else like that or just watch it with hidemyass/vtunnel whatever:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmVkzcI7 ... e=youtu.be
0:30 Feral druid Haeted
3:35 Enhancement Shaman Blindheal
4:10 Arms Warrior Instinzx
6:05 Frost Mage Tantrum
7:36 Ret Paladin Anaalnathrak
8:14 MM Hunter Spins
9:10 Hemo Rogue Kevvan
Inspired by this hunter in Classic with thunderfury(Pre BC Patch)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 0723131878
I greatly appreciate feedback so go ahead ;p
Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)
Re: Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)
Nice video,the more content about the server it's online the more players will know about it and the more will join the server.
Anyway,nice work and make more :)
Anyway,nice work and make more :)
Re: Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)
wow bringing back the old days ^^
thanks for the vid alot!
thanks for the vid alot!
Re: Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)
Putting ss before yt, like www.ssyoutube.com/blafuckingbla works even better. Hidemyass seems buggy this days.
On vid..."wtf I am watching" ...in a positve sense...yea
though shitty quality is shitty, but may be cuz of proxy.
On vid..."wtf I am watching" ...in a positve sense...yea
though shitty quality is shitty, but may be cuz of proxy.
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
Re: Meleehunter PvP Video (Smolderforge)
Quality isn't very good but alot better when i compare it with proxtube and the ssyoutube thingie
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