Yeah, he did that. Once it started, it started a system of prestige, ranks that people wanted to show off. Pretty much why FAK and Ezatt have it out for each other, it keeps them motivated regardless, the prestige of having the most HK's on the server. Others just wanted to get the higher ranks for the prestige of having the title is all. Then the others who just don't care.Imperium wrote:Stole the words right out of my mouth.Vord wrote:Why should it? As mentioned before you guys are lucky to even have titles. We could make it so every title is removed? is that what you want for motivation?Scruffee wrote:To be honest, it makes me feel like PvP'ing less.
before the title system was even implemented, we had titles that only donors could get. And even titles you had to farm through rep, when the community finally voted for the title system, it was just a very tiny incentive that was like "why not?" so, leave it as it is. enough QQ will not change Henry's mind, if anything he'll remove the titles again.
then whats left is numbers.
I personally like the title that I have and don't want to get another HK and get it replaced by something I grinded out of a long time ago, hence my feeling of neglect towards PvP.