Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

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Posts: 41

Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Betty »

I'm sure all of you know how horribly bugged warlock and mage pets are. I'm putting together a list of all the bugs I can find with them.

+Felhunter moves at incorrect speed and falls behind very easily.
+Felhunter, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felguard, and Imp do not fuction properly without the use of /petpassive and /petfollow macros.
+All Warlock pets also get stuck standing in the spot where your enemy died after you kill them if they were on aggressive, defensive, or petattack.
+Resilience does NOT transfer properly to Warlock pets AT ALL. This is a hugely deterring bug and makes them nearly useless against good teams.
+ Succubus seduce is not working sometimes and just spams out the spell and make it broken overall.
+ Felguard Intercept is really bad here due to all the bugs and you can also charge through objectives and sometimes in range. -Thanks to Rarecandy-
+Non-pet Related: Everytime you click on a Soul Well it counts as a healthstone taken, thus someone can click it 10 times and forfeit Healthstones for your team.
+You need to resummon your pet everytime you die in BGs, this should only happen when your pet actually dies.
+Another thing is that you can't queue up spells and you have to be in range with the pet to cast the spell (example devour/spell lock). That's gamebreaking if you send your pet to a target and then need to devour yourself its game over. And if you go to cast Spell Lock or Devour on an enemy your pet will say "Out of Range". The pet should walk to the target and cast the spell on them, not stand there and look at you with big eyes. -Thanks to Rarecandy-
+Small side note, the trinket Void Star Talisman does not grant your pets the spell resistance.

+Water elemental spell Freeze can be cast at infinite range even 50000 yards across Durotar or across a bg, however it does show that the range is incorrect and should not be able to be casted at a certain distance.
+Summoning Water Elemental does not automatically put Waterbolt cast on and must be done with macro.
+They spawn at very low hp.

Any other bugs you have please bring here and mention. This is a work in progress and has not been completed.
Last edited by Betty on 13 Mar 2012, 17:30, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 926

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Wacco »

+1 etc

That i think most warlocks want is to avoid summon a pet everytime you die in BGs, thats so annoying..

Another thing is that you cant queue up spells and you have to be in range with the pet to cast the spell (example devour/spell lock). Thats shit if you send your pet to a target and then need to devour yourself its game over

+ Succubus seduce is not working sometimes and just spams out the spell and make it broken overall
+ Felguard Intercept is really bad here due to all the bugs and you can also charge through objectives and sometimes in melee-range.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Posts: 10

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Neoxis »

Sometimes you have to spam the pet ability that you want to use or it may not work, the los concerning all the pets is still bugged. and the most annoying pet bug imo is when you respawn in bg and every time you have to resummon the god damn pet, takes ages before you can actually get back in bg
Posts: 201

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Rottingham »

The #1 issue with water elementals still: It spawns with 3k hp. I thought i had this discussed with henhouse enough but does not seem like it =P

btw you forgot to mention that the pet freeze ability shows up as out of range, yet you can still cast it anywhere ;-)
Smelgor # 1
Posts: 2551

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Cube »

Wacco wrote:Another thing is that you cant queue up spells and you have to be in range with the pet to cast the spell (example devour/spell lock). Thats shit if you send your pet to a target and then need to devour yourself its game over
When has this ever been a bug?
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 276

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Falseroll »

I still waiting for these bugs fixed : /
yo guys false is pack
Posts: 926

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Wacco »

Cube wrote:
Wacco wrote:Another thing is that you cant queue up spells and you have to be in range with the pet to cast the spell (example devour/spell lock). Thats shit if you send your pet to a target and then need to devour yourself its game over
When has this ever been a bug?

Because the pet will cast when in range, here you have to wait for the pet to come in range.
If you mean that when i send the pet it will not be in range for devour anyway.. you cant never call the pet back
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Posts: 2551

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Cube »

Wacco wrote:Because the pet will cast when in range, here you have to wait for the pet to come in range.
If you mean that when i send the pet it will not be in range for devour anyway.. you cant never call the pet back
Exactly. The range of the spells aren't bugged. If your pet is oor it'll not be able to use its abilities. The problem is pet movement (movemaps or whatever).

All bugs mentioned here have been reported, most of them multiple times. I'm fairly sure the team knows about pet issues, and hopefully they'll address them as soon as possible.

And about movemaps, as I've understood it Hen has already looked at this, but had problems getting it to work properly. Could be wrong though. All I'm saying is that they'll most likely take a look at all these bugs when they have the time to do so.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 41

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Betty »

Cube wrote:
Wacco wrote:Because the pet will cast when in range, here you have to wait for the pet to come in range.
If you mean that when i send the pet it will not be in range for devour anyway.. you cant never call the pet back
Exactly. The range of the spells aren't bugged. If your pet is oor it'll not be able to use its abilities. The problem is pet movement (movemaps or whatever).

All bugs mentioned here have been reported, most of them multiple times. I'm fairly sure the team knows about pet issues, and hopefully they'll address them as soon as possible.

And about movemaps, as I've understood it Hen has already looked at this, but had problems getting it to work properly. Could be wrong though. All I'm saying is that they'll most likely take a look at all these bugs when they have the time to do so.
The server has been open for like 3 years now, the fact that any bugs exist is sad. I could probably fix most of these bugs in a week. I'm the reason AT is 95% bug free on their LK realm.
Posts: 2551

Re: Warlock and Mage Pet Bug Compendium.

Post by Cube »

Betty wrote:The server has been open for like 3 years now, the fact that any bugs exist is sad. I could probably fix most of these bugs in a week. I'm the reason AT is 95% bug free on their LK realm.
Fix Blast Wave :(
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]

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