When will Warlock get fixed?

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Posts: 1360

When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Mynce »

so Priests ,wars and other classes has had there fixes.
why not for warlock ?
its by far the most bugged class in the game for example a small list of things that dont work properly

Intensity - Bugged
Pyroclasm - Bugged
Curse of Doom - Bugged
Warlock Spell hit - Bugged
Conflagration - bugged (u can use it on other warlocks immolate)
Destructive Reach - Bugged (lets u cast shadowfury even though it says its out of range)

but wait ! there's more....

Curse of elements doesnt bring u in combat when applied to a Stealthed character.
(wich means rogues can still sap u.)
it should also bring them out of stealth.

and also when using this macro :

/pet defensive
/petattack [target=Earthbind Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Windfury Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Mana Tide Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Tremor Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Grounding Totem ] [Harm]

u can attack every totem named here with 1 button click.
but since the pet is bugged. i need to reclick it for every totem on the field. distracting you on what is really happening.

Deems wrote:
Spell hit HAS to be bugged lol. It CAN'T be 1%, or I'm just the luckiest person on earth. When I'm playing on my warlock, SO MANY spells get resisted (not stuns or fears, but damage spells). Probly 1/5 of my incinerates always gets resisted...

According to retail the spell hit Cap for warlock in TBC should be 3% for pvp atm im at 4,99% and i get so many spells resisted its plain retarded : immolates , incinerates, fears , shadowfury even spells that shouldnt resist at all like shadowburn or soul fire (not sure about the last 1 )
i still i think this needs to be looked at .

Life drain is also bugged. it tends to Suck out more HP then it should.

Ritual of summoning works for 50% u can summon the doomwalker but u cant enslave it.
there for no use to summon it at all. wich could be a great aspect to demonology locks

Curse of doom doesnt summon the doomwalker.

warlock pets dissapear when dying . Pets should stay alive in a BG until either a new 1 is summoned or when its killed

do u think its over?

Wacco wrote:
the talent Demonic Resiliance dont work? and if it does it still broken due to that pets get 1shoted except felguard you need to 4shot him atleast

Amplify Curse dont work at all, imagine the CoEx

I want the trinket Void Star Talisman to work!

Pet resiliance is broken

Pet random stays at a point if i attack someone and he died when my pet is "aggro" on him he stays at that spot and gets retarded, sometimes you cant call him back(most of the times) so you have to aggro someone else far away or mount to get him back, that can be a problem many times..
also if you get to long away from him he dissapears..

Destro resist is broken

you need to spamm Pet talents when in range of the pet instead of clickit and hope you get a Devour Magic on yourself or Spell lock to an enemy. this is annoying

Fel guard same there with Intercept, you need to spamm the talent and i have aslo noticed that if you have intercept on auto he sometimes charge thru objects and can charge in melee :D me like

Succubus seduce is retarded and she random stays at spots more than any other pet or i have just bad luck.

Imp shots and running towards the target and shot some more till he get in melee rangee.

Im more of a BGhero but if you specc Fel Concentration and not it doesnt matter

Curse of Recklessness dont work but who needs it ))

Firestone dont work when i last tryed it as destro, havent ever never tryed Spellstone

and let not forget the biggest Bug on a skill that warlock really rely's on :

Image Fear breaks too easily from damage. Often breaks from first DoT tick (even the weak ass first tick of agony).

im not asking u to fix this as soon as possible im asking for a explanation why its taking so damn long to atleast fix anything related to this class, half of these bugs have been reported before and nothing gets done about or told about it.Would like to see a 1 of the most fun classes Actually be playable instead of thinking why my spells arent working.

Credits goes to : Applez,Deems,Coockshock,Rarecandy,Teddey

Aaaannnddd........GO !
Last edited by Mynce on 04 Jan 2012, 19:34, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Whizz »

spell hit isn't for only warlocks, every caster suffers from that and i agree it's pretty big at the moment

how is curse of doom bugged though? i haven't tried it
Posts: 926

Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Wacco »

Would be nice if Warlocks had a little love :)

About it with pets may be that damage is insane because of gear and engame (especially Boomkin and Elemental Shamans)

This is from a Skype Chat that summarizes it pretty good imo. Did a code box for it, looks better :D

Code: Select all

and doomkins
Pets didnt have resi in tbc
Soo they are
"working as they should" But I still find glitches in pathing and responding.
resistance then?
something is broken
slsl isnt viable
if you meet a slsl lock just 1hit pet and he have no soul link kinda
I rememver in retail - it was the same thing when I was running SLSL.
The only thing that is messed up here is DMG.
I could survive alot longer and my pets could too. But they were fragile, but not as fucked up as it is here.
true only had some venge back then but something is wrong it maybe is the endgame dps but its shit
you cant play pet specc at all
a melee will just 1hit the pet
then if its a war in middle of wsg and i send my felguard i cant call it back
so its insta dies
was better when you just could mount :D
Ya lol . Pathing, responding and DMG is all fucked up here, guess its hard to program correctly.
I mean, hunters pets hiding INSIDE pillars when you try to pillar hump soo they can still stack poison on you but u can't hit it.
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Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Wacco »

I have no problem with the hit/resist on doomkin/priest or warlock (affli spells). But it is something that makes you miss much as Destro, might try to play Destro with 17% hit.
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Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Teddey »

I've got an issue too, ragarding Affliction.

6.84% spell hit, including 2/5 in suppresiion, which is way more than enough for PvP, and I'm getting resists all over the board. Fears, Coils, and offensive dots. Drain life is getting resisted about 1/2 times, & Shadowburn at least 1/3. Insta Nightfall Shadowbolts are also getting resisted heavily. I usually do a hard cast Shadowbolt + Shadowburn combo, & at least 1 of the two is resisted. & no, my enemy does not have prayer of Shadow Protection or any other sort of mitigation going for them.

Furthermore, I don't think this is a lock-specific problem, & most people have some random hate of it, but backpedalling is bugged. I don't give a shit what people say, I do it. & you backpedal a few steps & you automatically stop & need to re-click a direction to continue moving.

Voidwalkers' Sacrifice bugs whenever the pet is going through a solid object (wall, hill, etc.)

I find my Felhunter randomly walking at a snail's pace in BGs. Trying to get a spell lock off at a critical moment is kind of hard when your pet is moving at 30% of normal speed, and no, no Chill effect or anything on him. He's just moving really slow.

Not sure if this is supposed to happen or not, but Health Funnel isn't effected by Spell Power. Just thought I'd put it out there, though not sure at all whether it should be.

& yes, what Applez said: Fear breaks every single time, sometimes it seems like it just drops for no reason after a couple of seconds. Furthermore it's SUCH a pain to resummon a pet every bloody time you ress in a BG. Especially without Master Summoner. 12 seconds of buffing before a lock can actually get going again. This is one thing I would love to see fixed asap.

Eye of Kilrogg also doesn't work. Small thing, but stilll.
Ritual of Summoning doesn't work. If you have to, why not just disable it for the Donor Mall?

That's all I got, but it would really be nice to see some of these things working. Kind of annoying to play such a fun class so gimped. Hope you guys take a look at some of these things. Thanks.
Posts: 1360

Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Mynce »

Whizz wrote:spell hit isn't for only warlocks, every caster suffers from that and i agree it's pretty big at the moment

how is curse of doom bugged though? i haven't tried it
Curse of doom :
Curses the Target with Impendin Doom.
causing 4200 Shadow damage after 1 min.
If the Target dies from this Damage.
there is a chance that a Doomwalker will be summoned.

it doesnt Summon a Doomwalker at all.
and even if it did u couldnt Enslave doomwalkers cuz they dissapear after 5 seconds after making there first step.
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Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Deems »

Seduce from succubus can't be interrupted
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Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Neoxis »

Atleast fix the pet respawn in bgs, its extremely annoying as others already have pointed out.
And shadow ward doesnt work, might not be the biggets deal but still, no damage is being absorbed when you use it which could be a lifesaver in some cases
Posts: 113

Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Whizz »

About the succubus problem: Pet (and any NPC) casts aren't either interruptable and if they are the spell school doesn't get locked at all.

Felhunter resists don't work properly, and it fucking sucks.
Posts: 2551

Re: When will Warlock get fixed?

Post by Cube »

A lot of these bugs seem to be more related to general pet, spell and mechanic bugs than actual class bugs. But I'm with you on that locks take quite a beating here. Same goes for hunters.

Spell hit has been discussed back and forth on these forums, but there has to be something fishy about it. Me and Zat had a discussion a while back about talents that gives you an extra chance to resist spells, and whether you can counter these with hit rating or not. I'm fairly sure you couldn't back in 2.4.3 on retail, and he's fairly sure you could. But the spell-resist problem doesn't only effect classes with said talents, so it doesn't make sense. Sure, my novas and coc's miss a feral way more than they miss, say a priest. But the priest still resists an awful lot of spells considering he should only have a 1% chance to do so. Sure, in some rare cases a couple or more spells will get resisted in a single fight... but here it's a bit beyond that tbh.

And the bug with Fear breaking too randomly on damage isn't unique to Fear alone, same goes for Novas. On top of that it goes the other way as well. You can burst an obscene amount of damage into a Fear/Nova without it breaking in some cases, and in others - as you said - you only need to hover your mouse over the target for it to break. To an extent this is working as intended (iirc). There's not a set amount of damage this sort of CC can take before breaking, it's randomly generated within some boundaries. I think the problem lies within said boundaries.

And as for pets... well yeah they're pretty fucked. My Elemental is a pain to micromanage, so I don't even get how people put up with playing either a Warlock or a Hunter tbh. The problems I notice the most is of course pathing and the bugged autocast. The only way I've found to "solve" the autocast problem (Waterbolt in my case) is to manually cast every bolt.

And you mentioned that you can cast Shadowfury even when you're oor. Are we talking a wee bit beyond the normal range, or an unlimited bit? When it comes to the WEs Nova we're talking the latter. I can sit at the hordes tunnel entrance in WSG and root people who jump off the alliance gy with it. Is fury the same, or are they two different bugs?
Mynce wrote:and also when using this macro :

/pet defensive
/petattack [target=Earthbind Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Windfury Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Mana Tide Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Tremor Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Grounding Totem ] [Harm]

u can attack every totem named here with 1 button click.
but since the pet is bugged. i need to reclick it for every totem on the field. distracting you on what is really happening.
*Edit: It's /petpassive btw

That's actually how it's supposed to work. You can't attack multiple targets with one click, but you can have a button (in this case the macro) that attacks multiple targets. You just have to click once for every target you want to attack. So if you want to take three totems down you'll have to mash it three times.

Darkgroom won't approve of this at all! :D

/salute to all pet handlers.
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