I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

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I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Toxicz »

So I've decided i wanted to join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (The Federal Police Force in Canada)
I'm in grade 11 right now and there is a 1 week youth program that is accepting applicants

Only problem is i have to be able to do the following:
-50 pushups
-100 situps
-2KM in 10:45
-5kM in 30:45

Tommorow i'm going to go start hitting up the gym and get back into shape

What do you guys think, becoming a cop as a career choice?

I thought i would fill you guys in on my life a little bit, please don't flame me :)

Here are some pics:
The red uniform is the old version
The tan uniform is the new one
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Clizzey »

The only thing I wouldnt immediately be able to do is the 50 push ups! So you better hit the bench.
Mirers gonna mire, mad?
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Clausewitz »

I honestly would say all of those things should be easy enough if you try hard. 50 push ups isn't a lot, you could probably force yourself to do it.
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Wancathufeoq »

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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Wafflesauce »

you live in canada, toxic? where in canada?
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Toxicz »

Burnaby, British Columbia
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Flayne »

If it is a career which you want to pressure and proceed with and you can live with the majority of low life scum around/lower end of society thinking they're more important than you then sure.

I don't live anywhere near you, so i gather the laws between you > Australia would be different, but the some-what same rules apply. My brother got to the last interview ( top 5 ) in the Police Academy and then decided it wasn't for him due to the substantial amount of life you have to give up, But he is still a law abider, Even though he just got caught speeding haha.

Every job comes with its + and -, It took me 3 years to decide what i wanted to do, and i couldn't be more pleased with it, I wake up everyday and look forward to work :)
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Toxicz »

What do you do?
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Miathos1993 »

So, I did a test to join the "KPE" (a special Army-Unit in Austria) and we had to do:

15 Minutes swimming
2,4 km in 10:25
40 Pus-ups
17 Pull-ups
Jump atleast 60 CM

and some psychology tests that took about 12 hours while we didn't sleep for 36 hours.

I was fucking afraid of failing, but in the end I made all easily, and I'm not even a "fit" guy.

You maybe need to "hit the gym" for 1 month to do 50 Push-ups, fucking easy.
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Re: I decided i want to join the RCMP - GRC

Post by Flayne »

Toxicz wrote:What do you do?
I'm an Apprentice Mechanic. Specializing in Japanese import cars.

But i am considering, Putin my Apprenticeship on holy ( as you can always pick off where you left last ) and joining the Mining industry, As a Laborer - 90k sounds better than 35k to me. Be only for a year or two then I'd be set.
Retired Game Master.
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