Here goes! Me and a friend of mine had a trinity core server which felt nice to play on and we fixed/made work arounds on just about every broken quest in hellfire mainly because we was sick of every server failing on fixing questlines there, dont get me wrong it was a long winded ordeal which took many hours to complete, some quests wasn't quite retail like becuase they was impossible for us to do right (ie the fel spirits quest we couldn't make a spirit appear after you killed the said orc, so we just spawned the spirits around the area too which made it more of a challenge) after we had a warm satisfactional felling inside that hellfire felt almost like when we played it 3 years ago when it got released, yet we was just 2 people committed to a none public server and still made it work for our own enjoyment
Get the right people and enough of them you have a team that can change the whole outland quest experience over a few weeks. Personally i love the quest lines throughout the whole of the game even down to the old VC quest line which you get the seal of wyrn upon completion and im sure there are many other peolpe out there that love that side of the game too.
Getting the quests working near on 100% also needs the instance/raids side of things working to has a lot of quests require going to them. So no doubt about it its a very big hill to climb
On the other hand When some people see buggy quests that fail on the penultimate quest they get really frustated and left with bitterness which then leads to them spamming the forums with 'fix this quest bla bla'. So important quests say 60+ needs to be the first goal to be fixed way before it goes live and there is so many to test and fix, either way people will find meaningless quests that dont work so your always going to generate even more of a work load looking/answering the same questions over and over
Making a second server dedicated to leveling, questing and Pve but leaving PVP will make the server dry IMO . I mean PVE is (ying) and PVP is (yang) and a amazing server needs both IMO, well our 2.4.3 smolderforge pvp is very nice and feels quite balanced other than everybody having insane damage thru easly obtained high end gear, such gear would have to be made far more difficult to obtain on a new server and could be good a way to get gathering professions and currency to some how to be a vital part in obtaining such highend items.
EXAMPLE- Tier 5-6-sunwell - s3-s4 -require the original armor token/ honor/arena points but also require a monetary amount and given amount of herbs,bars,bombs and shards ect. Which inturn helps generate some sort of economy/grind which our current server does not accomadate for, no need to there either
What would having such a complete server in the future do to our current 2.4.3 server. TBH i think it would a fall in players @ certain times of the day but i think most will switch between the 2, but im not sure because i prefer the grind and this what the community needs to chat about, do we want such a retail like server or dont we? please give resons for and against not just a simple +1 or -1
sorry about the long wall of text but there is so much to say about this and im brimmed with idea's in making such a TBC server and i know this community here has the potential to make it happen
Badge-rewarding quests
Re: Badge-rewarding quests
Talamortis - Alliance Paladin
Dwingo - Alliance Priest
Speedfang - Alliance Druid
Randommagic - Alliance Mage
Dwingo - Alliance Priest
Speedfang - Alliance Druid
Randommagic - Alliance Mage
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