Rogue Bugs - Report here

Fixed/closed bug reports are moved to this board in archival state. Also contains all the original bug reports from the past years.
Game Master
Game Master
Posts: 192

Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Darkgroom »

Image Rogue BugsImage

Dear members,

I am currently collecting all Class bugs, and because of that i'm going to setup topics that will hold bugs specific for a class.
In this topic you can post Rogue bugs, i will test them and approve or dissaprove them.
If approved they will come in the list below.

Also, the list of bugs will get a status of, Being fixed or Not yet fixed.

NOTE: Report bugs with the same template as you would report them when creating a new topic!

Tree Catagory

Image Assassination

Image Combat

Image Subtlety

Thanks to everyone who reports a bug.
Retired Developer
Posts: 486

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Mcrofl »

When i duel another rogue and he gets the opener off i like to trink and vanish to get the re-opener but if he uses vanish the exact same time as i go to cheap shot him, i get out of stealth and he doesn't get stunned, and that can be kinda anoying, and is often gamebreaking for that duel/arena. Couldn't post it in one of the specs since it's general to all
Hi lol K kurwa Decei
Posts: 638

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Peekaboo »

That's a game mechanic which works as intended, vanish makes you immune to everything when you cast it, eg. a Paladin's HoJ would be wasted aswell, so he has to sit out his CD. Under some circumstances it could break vanish though (connection related).
Projectiles in flight get negated aswell.
I remember that retard named Ming bragging with blocking a Hammer of Justice that way, although it's just about anticipation... but whatever.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
Posts: 486

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Mcrofl »

Peekaboo wrote:That's a game mechanic which works as intended, vanish makes you immune to everything when you cast it, eg. a Paladin's HoJ would be wasted aswell, so he has to sit out his CD. Under some circumstances it could break vanish though (connection related).
Projectiles in flight get negated aswell.
I remember that retard named Ming bragging with blocking a Hammer of Justice that way, although it's just about anticipation... but whatever.
Oh, i see. Thanks! :)
Hi lol K kurwa Decei
Posts: 1360

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Mynce »

Tree Catagory


Riposte does not seem to Disarm Weapons. 100% of the time.

edit : i also found another 1 , u cant go stealth after u do vanish the moment u die, this can be solved by preperation - vanish or wait vor vanish CD but kinda unnecesarry since stealth is a must for rogues.
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Posts: 28

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Jealousy »

Tree Catagory

Combat / Assassination

There seems to be some sort of issue with the Dual Wield talent in the combat tree when used with Mutilate.
I remember on official hitting very similar numbers mh and oh with this spec but on smolderforge im hitting like 1.9k mh 1.2k offhand which isnt right when im hitting 1.1k or so offhand without the 50% offhand increase.
Im not sure if its the fact the damage calculation isnt stacking with the 50% increase to a poisoned target of the offhand swing but something is not correct, If you could look into this I would be greatful.
Posts: 111

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Clausewitz »

Vanish- The improved stealth effect from vanish doesnt work, the buff shows but has no effect.
Kind of a big deal when you get shiv'd out of vanish like 3 seconds after vanishing(when you should be practically undetectable).
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
Posts: 196

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Wancathufeoq »

silence duration does not stack for all silencing spells, therefore a rogue can silence a target for 9 seconds, two rogues for 18 seconds, which is deadly for many casters, especially for priests.
Posts: 1

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by Yanix »

Tree catagory


the talent 'setup' in the sublety tree is not working as intended, it should have a chance to add combopoints when you fully resist a spell or dodge attacks from your target. however it will only add the combopoints if you are actually attacking your target, i tried it on mobs and it seems you have to right-click them to make the talent work
Posts: 2

Re: Rogue Bugs - Report here

Post by heckmandew »

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed an issue with stealth detection on Alliance rogues vs. Horde rogues. On my Horde toon I can see other rogues with out much problem at all, on my Alliance rogue I can barely see them when I'm standing on top of them (not quite that bad, but nowhere near the distance of my Hordie) And yes I've tested each using the same gear/spec and it makes no difference. And the human racial "perception" is worthless, sometimes I think it takes away my detection instead of increasing it

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