Pls change ur Arenateamname
Re: Pls change ur Arenateamname
because my other druid(who is still in the team as ma partner can show u if he makes a screenshot) can show u ,hes called abadonna,but he got banned,because a friend of me made shit on my acc, but i dont wanna talk about this now. and we lost,maybe because im full s2,fighting against full s4 druid/rogue and in lags? so?? i dont care about the lose.
Re: Pls change ur Arenateamname
and thats why you are writing "fucking jews" in arena? like u did,when i met u when i still played with ma other druid in arena and when u played with this s4 hunter and we won?
Re: Pls change ur Arenateamname
Oh lawd.. your other druid got banned, so you cant handle that AND the fact you got beaten by us, explains a lot, really.Aba wrote:because my other druid(who is still in the team as ma partner can show u if he makes a screenshot) can show u ,hes called abadonna,but he got banned,because a friend of me made shit on my acc, but i dont wanna talk about this now. and we lost,maybe because im full s2,fighting against full s4 druid/rogue and in lags? so?? i dont care about the lose.
second thing is, it doesnt matter if youre S2, woundpoison is BUGGED there is -NO- i repeat, -NO- 50% heal reduction debuff, vile poison is also bugged, one dispell removes all poisons instantly.
And since youre a caster you BENEFIT from the lag, so dont trash talk, every rogue on this server- no wait; every melee can confirm its impossible to get even an autohit off, while lag is going on, wich is the case most of the time.
stop lying to yourself.
Re: Pls change ur Arenateamname
Man,seriously. I can handle a lose, and i can also handle,to got killed by a rogue,so? I dont have to proof that im a good druid. I dont have to proof that i can play this game. I dont say,that im the best druid here, and i dont think, that im the worsest here, so its just crap to talk about someones skills who already showed,that he can play. And back to topic, did you write this god damn jew things or not? Be honest with yourself man.
Re: Pls change ur Arenateamname
No he didnt "provoce" you to say that. I read the chat, you said that pretty randomly. Also, they actually said "good game " after the game was finished atleast one of them from what i remember, youre the ones starting to flame.gala wrote:Aba wrote:no, i dont post this because i lost, how you can see in our team statistic,that we already lost af ew games. you 2 just behave like 2 little kids..its just annoying. and btw, be honest,the game was close a few times and i dont care anything about the lose. because its just a game. but i rlly hate people who calll their team like this because its just unacceptable. im german, and i know how it is to get called a nazi and all that stuff because of a guy who did this fucking things before many years, and this is our generations fault now? if u take those names, it just shows, that u are not different.
lolz, you actually lost to druid/rogue, as warr/druid with lack of working woundpoison, how is that even possible ? i guess that really hurt'd your feelings, shattering the little world you life in, where you are the best druid, the rank one druid on this server! but dont worry, there are always people who are better ;) also, -YOU- didnt lost 7 games be4, YOU just joined the team recently, so stop lying. And as far as the claims go i insult ppl here, its not true, i just call ppl i know names etc. - we're just kidding, also at the time the ss ( screenshot lol ) has been taken, you tried to provocate me, so you could get me banned, cause you cant handle a lose. And all those ppl, reporting in this thread im rude, nazi, whatever, im not and everyone from my guild & jenga, from daladagotu to my 2v2 mate crestfallen can confirm it.. so stop being jealous ( and btw insults, including the n-word, "jew" and everything- i cant even count how many times ppl shouted stuff like that at me after beating them in arena )
Re: Pls change ur Arenateamname
I would like to thank you for bringing this to our attention. This is a perfect violation of our End User License Agreement. It is highly offensive to the Jewish population and in terms of hateful reference.
Also your screenshot you've provided will be taken care of also.
Also your screenshot you've provided will be taken care of also.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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