Request for RoS Fix
Request for RoS Fix
as some may know our Guild EC is making good progress in BT.
Our final goal is ofc defeating Illidan, but thats a bit in the future right now. Atm we are hempered by the extremely bugged Boss RoS(randomly aggroes people and not the closest one, crits for 12k>24k), in order to proceed to the mother.
We would gladely appreciate it, if the GMs could fix this Boss in the next days, cause the BT raids in the evening are extremely fun and cool to play.
Best regards,
as some may know our Guild EC is making good progress in BT.
Our final goal is ofc defeating Illidan, but thats a bit in the future right now. Atm we are hempered by the extremely bugged Boss RoS(randomly aggroes people and not the closest one, crits for 12k>24k), in order to proceed to the mother.
We would gladely appreciate it, if the GMs could fix this Boss in the next days, cause the BT raids in the evening are extremely fun and cool to play.
Best regards,
Re: Request for RoS Fix
Pretty sure it's already been fixed.Abwyz wrote:bump.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Request for RoS Fix
Well, 1st boss HP is still not like on retail, he has 4.1m HP and should have 2.5m according to wowwiki and thats the biggest problem atm. Could you please look into it? :)Henhouse wrote:Pretty sure it's already been fixed.Abwyz wrote:bump.
Re: Request for RoS Fix
The HP Issue was not reported to me, only that he critted and crushed (THIS PART IS FIXED) But we will look into his HP.
Retired Developer
Re: Request for RoS Fix
Thank you :)Darkgroom wrote:The HP Issue was not reported to me, only that he critted and crushed (THIS PART IS FIXED) But we will look into his HP.
- Posts: 230
Re: Request for RoS Fix
Oh you must be kidding me. The HP is correct I should think. Remember they were all nerfed many times?
I think this is pre nerf.
I think this is pre nerf.
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
- Posts: 111
Re: Request for RoS Fix
The Cata nerf was only 30% hp, 30% of 4 isn't 2.Aegrotatio wrote:Oh you must be kidding me. The HP is correct I should think. Remember they were all nerfed many times?
I think this is pre nerf.
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
Re: Request for RoS Fix
I know it's not been on the changelog, but RoS should be working as intended now if you are all wanted to raid him again.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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