Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

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Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Firstaidkit »

Is it normal that a s2 warrior crits a s4 sp with 506 resil for 4,5k?
I don't think so....
Top 10 almost only warriors carried by bugged dmg

Fucking impossible to get spectral this way especially when they roll counter double warr, then its just double charge double intercept double mace stun (RNG) then bugged dmg, bugged dmg 2x execute > dead

Rogue can't sap because they just go beserker stance.

so I'm asking fix warrior dmg please so that its even fair. I just lost 28 points becoz of this server is full of bugs.
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Peekaboo »

Just check the Execute tooltip.
925 damage+21/rage

With 50 rage that's a 2k hit, now add Enrage or Death Wish and you're all set.
Long story short, it's fine.

But while we are at it, as you're probably a Shadowpriest, are you using Timbal's Focusing Crystal?
Just curious, as it scales with spell damage... which pretty much means it's bugged for sure. ;]
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Firstaidkit »

Peekaboo wrote:Just check the Execute tooltip.
925 damage+21/rage

With 50 rage that's a 2k hit, now add Enrage or Death Wish and you're all set.
Long story short, it's fine.

But while we are at it, as you're probably a Shadowpriest, are you using Timbal's Focusing Crystal?
Just curious, as it scales with spell damage... which pretty much means it's bugged for sure. ;]
I don't always use Timbal's Focusing Crystal (that one just procs alot but can max crit for 1k - 1,3k when it crits, and that doesn't happens alot ;)) btw there are 20x as much Warriors here then SP and all in top because there dmg is bugged here and if all the dru / warriors in the top ranks don't dodge me I would have been higher rated now defo ;) Because I don't dodge my counters but will do next season. Because all are queu dodging here (rank 1 - 10) but back on topic:

Resilience 506
Reduces perodic damage and the chance to be critically hit by 12,84%. Reduces the effect of mana-drains and the DAMAGE of CRITICAL strikes by 25,00% .

So how can he hit me for 4,5k in s2?

Please fix resilience or fix warriors or let me donate for spectral because I don't care about the title at all. Just want that mount, and I ain't dodging like all the other teams on this server.
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Peekaboo »

Execute is gear independent, a Warrior in a Tuxedo Suit equipped with a dagger can hit for 950+85*21 (although some probably skill Imp Execute but let's ignore this here).
With Impale (*2.2) that's a 6k crit.

Of course there is mitigation and resilience, but with 20% mitigation and 25% crit reduction from resilience that's still 3600.
Now either multiply that with 1.2 (Death Wish) or even 1.25 (Enrage), and here we go -> 4320 (with Death Wish).
This shit hurts, but as it can only be used on 20% or below targets it's kinda overkill... ;]
Warriors are popular here, that's true, but most are just cannon fodder. Same with Rogues and Mages...

Their damage is fine though, Warriors are just a probelm with healing support, because if that's the case, they faceroll. The class profits from taking damage, while it's kinda resilient. Quite a synergy, now add healing and you have a stream of lolmode. Although there are hardly warriors who get supported anyway.
That trinket on the other hand is bugged though, and shadowpriests work quite well on their own... ;]
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Firstaidkit »

Peekaboo wrote:Execute is gear independent, a Warrior in a Tuxedo Suit equipped with a dagger can hit for 950+85*21 (although some probably skill Imp Execute but let's ignore this here).
With Impale (*2.2) that's a 6k crit.
Wanna see that..
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Balls »

Warriors are fine apart from mace stun proc being a bit over the top
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Tonks »

i coudlnt pass this one up. SP complaining about warriors? rofl gtfo scrub
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by ZatYo »

I dont get it how does it matter if he hit u for 4,5k since 2,5k or even less is enough to kill u? its not like he can execute u when u are on 50%
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Firstaidkit »

Tonks wrote:i coudlnt pass this one up. SP complaining about warriors? rofl gtfo scrub
Dude I solo all warriors here (you included) that isn't the problem but if they go roll 2x warriors in 2v2 thats retarded then you just get raped as a SP especially when they are bugged as hell.
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Balls »

You're not supposed to be able to tank 2 warriors if you let them sit on you, so that doesn't mean warrior damage is bugged.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]

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