I just wanted to report 2x Horde hunters that suddenly got an HUGE increase of Honorable Kills wich is impossible I think..
First one is Oko Orc Hunter lvl 70 he got 27.526 HK's but only has friendly status with AB and WSG and only 2k rep with both... Also if you check the screenshot below:

He got 167k honor yday......
and today he made 84k...
Even when I'm turning in all my marks I make on one day I won't get that much honor...
Second one is Gazloy Troll Hunter lvl 70 he got 19047 HK's but only has neutral status with both AB and WSG for AB he only got 160 rep that means he prolly only played 2 or 3x AB and WSG only 350 rep with neutral status. I got even more on my hunter Bowjobs who has only got 2k kills. This guy has 10x my honorable kills on my hunter and still I did more bg's as him o,0!!!! Screenshot below:

his 2v2 team also shows how skilled he is xD
It took me at least 1 month of full time playing (day & night) to get 15k honorable kills on my Undead Priest Firstaidkit and claim the HWL title (Home alone ftw yay!). But these Shitters just ruin it for other player who do want to get it the fair way like me.
Please don't give these guys HWL titles its fuckin unfair for the people who did it the real way!!
I never saw this guy in bg he just came out of nowhere and I'm online Daily and I check this list Daily: http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... Type=honor
Btw also told him I reported him in a whisper and he said that the server was bugged or sumthing... if this is true please fix it.......
Too bad the daily kills are bugged I think he farmed a non geared ally day and night.... is this bannable?
I hope a GM can look further into it!!
Or else I wasted 42 days 9 hours 34 mins to get almost 49k for nothing!
P.S. here's another SS made by Lovetrain (Thanks for helping me :)) 0 damage done 1 Killing Blow, that's pretty weird innit?