TBC Server Down?
TBC Server Down?
Hey is it just me that i cant even log onto the realmlist of the TBC Server? or everyone?
Re: TBC Server Down?
The login realm seemed to have just hung and frozen up, probably because it's been running for weeks without being restarted. Sorry I couldn't fix this problem sooner, it's back online now.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: TBC Server Down?
i have the same issue, when trying to log on the tbc server or classic wow, it says that the username or password is invalid. although changed realmlist, i am new to these servers, but i have been looking for ages for a stable lvl 60 or 70 server. ty
Re: TBC Server Down?
Problem is not related. Please do not bump old threads.borcan wrote:i have the same issue, when trying to log on the tbc server or classic wow, it says that the username or password is invalid. although changed realmlist, i am new to these servers, but i have been looking for ages for a stable lvl 60 or 70 server. ty
You either incorrectly edited your realm list file, or are incorrectly entering your information. The warning these players were experiencing was not a problem with incorrect information, it was a hang in the login server which caused them to get stuck at "Authenticating."
If this problem persists for you, please open a new topic in the correct area in Help, Issues & Reports. Thanks.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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