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Smolderforge Arena Season 3 will begin on September 28th.
Season 2 winners will receive their prizes(titles and mounts).
Liron Malfurion no longer teleports you to raids. He teleports you to cities.
Smolderforge Event Tokens are no longer in use, please cash them in for Badge's of Justice.
Teams with over 150 difference in arena rating will not be able to compete. This will stop win-traders and help out teams just starting. This will highly improve the arena system environment.
The Hyjal world PvP quest is no longer a daily.
The Hyjal faction leaders (Blandar Ironfist and Gul'ren) now drop 1 Badge of Justice on kill.
Arena Season 2 will close September 27th at midnight.
Ravager pets are no longer available to hunters.
The event "Save GM Island!" has been removed along with reward items.
If any account is tried to be logged into up to 20 times, the IP address will be banned for 5 minutes. This will prevent any type of brute force attacking programs to break accounts, if possible.
Wrapping paper removed since it can be used to exploit item duplications though it is very hard.
A.C.I.D. and ScriptDev2 updated.
Scarlet Citadel, one minor update...
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Teams with over 150 difference in arena rating will not be able to compete. This will stop win-traders and help out teams just starting. This will highly improve the arena system environment.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development