Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Firstaidkit »

Chomba wrote:1. First off I'd like to say welcome to this thread that will be filled with flaming and hate!

2. I like that you don't Screen shot the part where you say I'm abusing my "GM rights as usual" and that I'm a crap GM.

3. Every single time I log on you are flaming people that you beat once or twice. It's just a bit dry and depressing that you're holding onto the past this much.

4. I transferred Gohl's Amani War Bear from his rogue to his mage. Henhouse can check the command logs if he wants, but I have no reason to lie.

5. The guild name is easy enough to do without using a command, it could be done on retail and so can still be do on here.
Just replace the capital "I" with a lower case "L". So you've essentially got 'dLck".

6. Please do not bring my personnel accounts into this matter, as I have to right to flame players on my own time and be professional on my GM char.

Thanks for reading.

1. Welcome..
2. You got chat logs for that! I didn't screenshotted because I logged on an other char to check if the mute was there too and it was........
3. First you say I can't flame and then you say you have the rights to flame ppl on your personal account :S?
4. I don't care about Gohl's mount if its true you won't mind Henhouse checking it I think :)!!
5. The guild is deleted now so....
6. This doesnt makes any sense at all Chomb! First you tell me I can't flame ppl and then you say I have the right to flame ppl xD
7. Mute both next time ;)! then I don't care..

Thanks for reading.

And please let Henhouse look further into this!

thanks in advance :)!
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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Firstaidkit »

gohl wrote:gm flaming isnt the reason for mute hmok
No, actually there was no reason at all too mute me ;) He was just abusing his rights!

Muted: No Reason!

Check the logs kthnxbai

I will screenshot it next time ;)!

also don't start flamewars here..........
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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Gohl »

this made me laugh srsly,this topic only proves that ur a fucking nerd who makes a topic when hes geting muted,ur mad cause we were saying that ur bad?get farmed more cya
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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Firstaidkit »

gohl wrote:this made me laugh srsly,this topic only proves that ur a fucking nerd who makes a topic when hes geting muted,ur mad cause we were saying that ur bad?get farmed more cya
It made you laugh becoz you didn't payed for the mount nor the transfer nor both? (We let Henhouse check that ok ;))

And ur trying to get away with it to start flaming here agn this is just proof that you are a 12 year old immature child that is way too much on the internet.
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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Vanilla »

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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Gohl »

Firstaidkit ur pathetic thats all i can say cba arguing with some random who doesnt even know what he wants to prove not making topics when im geting muted or flamed not staying on all the time like u

3.ur flaming in game is "noob , ur all noobs",that speaks for it self

so get lost kid
Posts: 35

Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Zohard »

gohl wrote:Firstaidkit ur pathetic thats all i can say cba arguing with some random who doesnt even know what he wants to prove not making topics when im geting muted or flamed not staying on all the time like u

3.ur flaming in game is "noob , ur all noobs",that speaks for it self

so get lost kid
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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Balls »

Is your IQ below 50 or something? Try to come up with a comprehensive and a valid argument for a change? Maybe?

Or maybe get fucking real and stop being in denial. You were the one being a fucking straightout dick in this situation, as usual you and your buttbuddies think you're above others because you hang out with Chomba.
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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Antique »

flame war,nomnom
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Re: Chomba is abusing his GM Rights

Post by Firstaidkit »

gohl wrote:Firstaidkit ur pathetic thats all i can say cba arguing with some random who doesnt even know what he wants to prove not making topics when im geting muted or flamed not staying on all the time like u

3.ur flaming in game is "noob , ur all noobs",that speaks for it self

so get lost kid
1. because you didn't got muted...

2. me neither I just played 24/7 for 1 month because I was home alone! That's why I have most honorable kills now (jealous?) I still have a life, school and work!

3. dude who starts the flame wars now? I think it's you..
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