but serious muting me for 2 hours when GOHL started flaming me with 3 ppl Gohl, Davidblaine, Zatbeast
about that I'm bad and shit like that....................
I just responded on him the whole time so there was no reason for me to be muted I only said that Gohl was begging me the other day for a Amani War Bear and suddenly when Chomba comes online he gets one..
and then Chomba says I mute you for insulting a GM
Only said he was abusing his GM rights and I think he did because he said also that he transferred the Amani War Bear from Gohl's rogue.
I don't even think Gohl's rogue had a Amani War Bear!
Henhouse can you please check this and make sure Chomba doesn't abuses his GM rights to mute innoccent players...
I didn't insulted Chomba at all only told him he is abusing his rights..
and I hope Chomba doesn't continues like this...............
also I didn't really screenshotted this situation normally I do... but I logged on a alt because I was muted but you have chat logs for this! So that isn't a problem
also here a screenshot of Davidblaine in a guild with the name: FIRSTAIDKIT SUCKS DICK

That's insulting me !
I would appericiate if Henhous can look further into this...
Thanks in advance!