Warrior PvP Guide TBC
Warrior PvP Guide TBC
So i was bored decided to make a guide and i hope its helps someone :D
-Alliance: Ye the ussual choice is Gnome cause of escape artist.It's a really gamebreaking racial if used properly it can win your game in many situations.
Dwarf is another good race(too underrated).Removing poisons for 8 sec is really huge, vs rd the rogue just needs to shiv u once and his druid can easily kite u around the pillar, when u are targeted vs Shadow priest/rogue, mage/rogue etc teams removing wound is really huge advantage.Dont forget it also removes bleed effecs and deseases, and the 10% armor is something.
About human,draenei,NE i dont think its worth it at all.
-Horde: I cant tell witch 1 is the best here, probably orc with the extra AP racial and stun resistance but be careful how you use your racial, cause it also decreases healing by 50%, when u are effected by mortal strike,aimed shot,wound poisons u can feel free to use it cause the effect doesnt stack.
Taurens have bigger melee range witch is pretty good, also war stomp can be very useful.
Undead is what i play.I've heard some ppl say that Will of the forsaken(wotf) is useless for warriors since they have berserker rage and deathwish but thats not true.For example vs priest/rogue combo you can afford to use berserker rage on sap, gouges without worrying that you'll get feared(still be careful, dont waste it).Also when they manage to fear you in battle/def stance wasting deathwish/trinket just to remove fear is a big waste.Also undeads have the coolest look :D i feel more comfortable playing undead than a huge cow.
Troll... meh.
The build i use most of the time is 44/14/3, 45/13/3(thats without blood craze) or 41/17/3 (Endless rage).Its by far the best dmg spec, only thing that really sucks with this build is the 8 sec disarms vs warriors due to no Weapon Mastery.When they disarm you, your partner has to assist you if you want to keep the pressure (offensive cyclone as druid,fear as priest, BoP,that u need to remove from urself, as paladin).
Im not saying that its the best spec and you HAVE to use it.. its a matter of playstyle.
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
I use 35/23/3 build when i run Shaman/warrior cause a shaman cant really do that much if i get 8 sec disarm, it kills all our pressure and building a new kill isnt so easy + as sham/war im rage feeded enough so i prefer enrage and sweeping strikes.
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
Gear,Enchants,Gems: Since the gear is free here i got 2-3 combinations.When i run sword im with Crit gems and enchants, and when i use mace i go Strenght/AP.
-I'm using Savagery on weap cause with endless rage spec 70 ap gives me more rage, and i have it all the time i dont need to wait for a proc.I got Executioner on my 1h weap instead of 20 strenght so when im forced to go 1h + shield i often get exe proc and when i switch back to 2h i have the armor ignore + the 70 AP witch is sick.I havent really put much though about it so i dont rly know if savagery or exe is better.
-Mace or Sword? When i run druid/warrior or shaman /warrior im using mace, it really is the better choice.
But when i run priest/war or pala/war i go sword since we have friendly dispell and mace stun isnt THAT gamebreaking, You can afford to eat roots when u know they are gonna be dispelled and keep your pummel, intercept for cyclone for example.I'd rather have more burst dmg and not rely on rng (You guys probably know how annoying is to fake pummel and then get mace stuned on the second cast).
Brutal Sword > Apolyon btw.
You can check the rest of my gear and my stats in the armory:
http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge Thats s4 perfectly geared char.
And thats my starter gear char (well not really starter gear since i have vengefuls) http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge
Sadly you cant see the armor ignore in this armory and thats pretty important, i got 966 on s4 and 546 on alt with the current gear.
Macros i use:
- focus pummel /cast [target=focus] Pummel(Rank 2)
- focus intercept /cast [target=focus] Intercept; Intercept
- focus shield bash /cast [target=focus] Shield Bash(Rank 4)
-switch between battle and berserker stance
/cast battle stance
/cast berserker stance
- intervene /cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance; [help] Intervene; [target=party1, help] Intervene
that puts u in def stance and intervenes party member 1 without changing your current target, makes it way easier.
- switch between 1h shield and 2h
/equip Brutal Gladiator's greatsword
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's shield wall
just change the names of the weaps
- def stance macro
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast defensive stance
/cast spell reflection
when u use it once it gets u in def stance and switches your weaps and when u use it twice it also does reflect.
- battle stance reflect
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast battle stance
/cast spell reflection
- berserker stance
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Greatsword
/cast berserker stance
/cast Intercept(Rank 5)
changes back to 2h and intercepts on second use.
- battle stance
/cast battle stance
/cast Overpower(Rank 4)
- Outplay disarm macro :-D (incase you are endless rage specced without weapon mastery)
/equip vengeful gladiator's bonegrinder (with weapon chain that reduces disarm duration by 50% on it)
/equip brutal gladiator's bonegrinder
-startattack macros
/cast Hamstring(Rank 4)
basically u can put that with everything so u wont need to right click on your target like a retard.I use such macros with hamstring and disarm.
-cancelaura bop /cancelaura Blessing or protection
You need to have that when u play pala/war cause a decent paladin will bop u just to remove blind,ks,disarm etc and u need to remove it asap
Also the same cancelaura macro with power word: shield and thorns (for example when you want to remove pws because when they hit you you don't get rage when the dmg is absorbed or when you want to remove thorns vs warriors)
Some random tips that i can think of in the moment:
-VS priest teams keep your mortal strike and whirlwind for when the priest power word: shields, that way you wont need to do 2 normal attacks and loose so much rage and in most situations pressure just to break the shield.Normal attack him while he doesnt have shield, generate rage and wipe of the shield instantly when he uses it.
-Reflecting roots in most of the situations is a total waste, you loose all your rage, you loose a global and u have to wait for a new normal attack.. the druid will just cast a second root and get away.Only situation when its rly worth reflecting roots is when u need to assist your partner and you know that you can avoid the second root with a pillar.Dont waste your rage for useless reflects, for example when u have 100 rage reflecting cyclone isnt allways the best thing to do.If u are playing with priest or pala and he's in condition to dispell u dont try to reflect Nature's Grasp.. waste of rage global and ull most likely get cycloned vs good druids.When u are playing with a druid make him eat the NG when its possible and shaman can grounding/purge it, so u need to decide when its rly worth it and when its not.
-When u are near your enemy and u have switched to 1h and shield and u are gonna go back to 2h wait till u get ur already started 1h hit and then switch to 2h instead of waiting 3,8 sec all over.That wins u alot of rage and some dmg.
-For example when a rogue is on u, and you are cripled, u can intervene your partner and intercept back to the rogue.That helps alot when he has evasion on and u cant really hit him much.You can use that vs warrior,hunter etc too.With my macros i do that by pressing 2 buttons: my intervene macro then my bers stance macro twice.
When your partner is near your enemy u can use intervene just to get to the enemy when u dont have intercept,cant charge or u just dont want to waste the intercept.When u are targeted by a double dps team (shadowplay, mage/sp for example) make your partner stay near a pillar and intervene him when u need to LoS and get heals.
-VS RD dont just tunnel the rogue like most of u kids do.When your partner doesnt need peels go on druid just to force some defensive cooldowns like barkskin,Nature's grasp.Basically most of the druids will just barkskin right after u intercept them even if they are on 100%.So just throw a focus intercept make him barkskin and go back to the rogue, force NG the same way and let your partner eat it.That way u can make the druid a potention target to switch to anytime, wait for the moment and gib him when he's in a bad position when he's trying to heal his rogue for example and doesnt expect a switch.You need to work good with your partner to make that work tho.
-use a thrown for christ sake, i rage when i see warriors using bows,crossbows and stuff.No matter how better the stats are with bow, thrown is allways better: Helps you keep your target in combat, u can use it for pushback vs casters, sometimes the time u win is enough for your partner to avoid the incoming spell.
-In WD mirrors dont try to outdmg the war in the begining, stay rage starved so u can open on druid with 100 rage.
Hope that helped any1 :p Write here if u want me to add something or u need help vs some comb etc.
-Alliance: Ye the ussual choice is Gnome cause of escape artist.It's a really gamebreaking racial if used properly it can win your game in many situations.
Dwarf is another good race(too underrated).Removing poisons for 8 sec is really huge, vs rd the rogue just needs to shiv u once and his druid can easily kite u around the pillar, when u are targeted vs Shadow priest/rogue, mage/rogue etc teams removing wound is really huge advantage.Dont forget it also removes bleed effecs and deseases, and the 10% armor is something.
About human,draenei,NE i dont think its worth it at all.
-Horde: I cant tell witch 1 is the best here, probably orc with the extra AP racial and stun resistance but be careful how you use your racial, cause it also decreases healing by 50%, when u are effected by mortal strike,aimed shot,wound poisons u can feel free to use it cause the effect doesnt stack.
Taurens have bigger melee range witch is pretty good, also war stomp can be very useful.
Undead is what i play.I've heard some ppl say that Will of the forsaken(wotf) is useless for warriors since they have berserker rage and deathwish but thats not true.For example vs priest/rogue combo you can afford to use berserker rage on sap, gouges without worrying that you'll get feared(still be careful, dont waste it).Also when they manage to fear you in battle/def stance wasting deathwish/trinket just to remove fear is a big waste.Also undeads have the coolest look :D i feel more comfortable playing undead than a huge cow.
Troll... meh.
The build i use most of the time is 44/14/3, 45/13/3(thats without blood craze) or 41/17/3 (Endless rage).Its by far the best dmg spec, only thing that really sucks with this build is the 8 sec disarms vs warriors due to no Weapon Mastery.When they disarm you, your partner has to assist you if you want to keep the pressure (offensive cyclone as druid,fear as priest, BoP,that u need to remove from urself, as paladin).
Im not saying that its the best spec and you HAVE to use it.. its a matter of playstyle.
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
I use 35/23/3 build when i run Shaman/warrior cause a shaman cant really do that much if i get 8 sec disarm, it kills all our pressure and building a new kill isnt so easy + as sham/war im rage feeded enough so i prefer enrage and sweeping strikes.
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
Gear,Enchants,Gems: Since the gear is free here i got 2-3 combinations.When i run sword im with Crit gems and enchants, and when i use mace i go Strenght/AP.
-I'm using Savagery on weap cause with endless rage spec 70 ap gives me more rage, and i have it all the time i dont need to wait for a proc.I got Executioner on my 1h weap instead of 20 strenght so when im forced to go 1h + shield i often get exe proc and when i switch back to 2h i have the armor ignore + the 70 AP witch is sick.I havent really put much though about it so i dont rly know if savagery or exe is better.
-Mace or Sword? When i run druid/warrior or shaman /warrior im using mace, it really is the better choice.
But when i run priest/war or pala/war i go sword since we have friendly dispell and mace stun isnt THAT gamebreaking, You can afford to eat roots when u know they are gonna be dispelled and keep your pummel, intercept for cyclone for example.I'd rather have more burst dmg and not rely on rng (You guys probably know how annoying is to fake pummel and then get mace stuned on the second cast).
Brutal Sword > Apolyon btw.
You can check the rest of my gear and my stats in the armory:
http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge Thats s4 perfectly geared char.
And thats my starter gear char (well not really starter gear since i have vengefuls) http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge
Sadly you cant see the armor ignore in this armory and thats pretty important, i got 966 on s4 and 546 on alt with the current gear.
Macros i use:
- focus pummel /cast [target=focus] Pummel(Rank 2)
- focus intercept /cast [target=focus] Intercept; Intercept
- focus shield bash /cast [target=focus] Shield Bash(Rank 4)
-switch between battle and berserker stance
/cast battle stance
/cast berserker stance
- intervene /cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance; [help] Intervene; [target=party1, help] Intervene
that puts u in def stance and intervenes party member 1 without changing your current target, makes it way easier.
- switch between 1h shield and 2h
/equip Brutal Gladiator's greatsword
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's shield wall
just change the names of the weaps
- def stance macro
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast defensive stance
/cast spell reflection
when u use it once it gets u in def stance and switches your weaps and when u use it twice it also does reflect.
- battle stance reflect
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast battle stance
/cast spell reflection
- berserker stance
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Greatsword
/cast berserker stance
/cast Intercept(Rank 5)
changes back to 2h and intercepts on second use.
- battle stance
/cast battle stance
/cast Overpower(Rank 4)
- Outplay disarm macro :-D (incase you are endless rage specced without weapon mastery)
/equip vengeful gladiator's bonegrinder (with weapon chain that reduces disarm duration by 50% on it)
/equip brutal gladiator's bonegrinder
-startattack macros
/cast Hamstring(Rank 4)
basically u can put that with everything so u wont need to right click on your target like a retard.I use such macros with hamstring and disarm.
-cancelaura bop /cancelaura Blessing or protection
You need to have that when u play pala/war cause a decent paladin will bop u just to remove blind,ks,disarm etc and u need to remove it asap
Also the same cancelaura macro with power word: shield and thorns (for example when you want to remove pws because when they hit you you don't get rage when the dmg is absorbed or when you want to remove thorns vs warriors)
Some random tips that i can think of in the moment:
-VS priest teams keep your mortal strike and whirlwind for when the priest power word: shields, that way you wont need to do 2 normal attacks and loose so much rage and in most situations pressure just to break the shield.Normal attack him while he doesnt have shield, generate rage and wipe of the shield instantly when he uses it.
-Reflecting roots in most of the situations is a total waste, you loose all your rage, you loose a global and u have to wait for a new normal attack.. the druid will just cast a second root and get away.Only situation when its rly worth reflecting roots is when u need to assist your partner and you know that you can avoid the second root with a pillar.Dont waste your rage for useless reflects, for example when u have 100 rage reflecting cyclone isnt allways the best thing to do.If u are playing with priest or pala and he's in condition to dispell u dont try to reflect Nature's Grasp.. waste of rage global and ull most likely get cycloned vs good druids.When u are playing with a druid make him eat the NG when its possible and shaman can grounding/purge it, so u need to decide when its rly worth it and when its not.
-When u are near your enemy and u have switched to 1h and shield and u are gonna go back to 2h wait till u get ur already started 1h hit and then switch to 2h instead of waiting 3,8 sec all over.That wins u alot of rage and some dmg.
-For example when a rogue is on u, and you are cripled, u can intervene your partner and intercept back to the rogue.That helps alot when he has evasion on and u cant really hit him much.You can use that vs warrior,hunter etc too.With my macros i do that by pressing 2 buttons: my intervene macro then my bers stance macro twice.
When your partner is near your enemy u can use intervene just to get to the enemy when u dont have intercept,cant charge or u just dont want to waste the intercept.When u are targeted by a double dps team (shadowplay, mage/sp for example) make your partner stay near a pillar and intervene him when u need to LoS and get heals.
-VS RD dont just tunnel the rogue like most of u kids do.When your partner doesnt need peels go on druid just to force some defensive cooldowns like barkskin,Nature's grasp.Basically most of the druids will just barkskin right after u intercept them even if they are on 100%.So just throw a focus intercept make him barkskin and go back to the rogue, force NG the same way and let your partner eat it.That way u can make the druid a potention target to switch to anytime, wait for the moment and gib him when he's in a bad position when he's trying to heal his rogue for example and doesnt expect a switch.You need to work good with your partner to make that work tho.
-use a thrown for christ sake, i rage when i see warriors using bows,crossbows and stuff.No matter how better the stats are with bow, thrown is allways better: Helps you keep your target in combat, u can use it for pushback vs casters, sometimes the time u win is enough for your partner to avoid the incoming spell.
-In WD mirrors dont try to outdmg the war in the begining, stay rage starved so u can open on druid with 100 rage.
Hope that helped any1 :p Write here if u want me to add something or u need help vs some comb etc.
Last edited by ZatYo on 05 Oct 2011, 15:36, edited 8 times in total.
Re: Warrior PvP Guide TBC
Nice guide, the macros and info are all helpful. :D
If you know any other classes you should write guides for them also. :D
If you know any other classes you should write guides for them also. :D
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: Warrior PvP Guide TBC
yea great,u helped me realize WHAT NERD U ARE :D grz ur pro /jkZatYo wrote:So i was bored decided to make a guide and i hope its helps someone :D
-Alliance: Ye the ussual choice is Gnome cause of escape artist.It's a really gamebreaking racial if used properly it can win your game in many situations.
Dwarf is another good race(too underrated).Removing poisons for 8 sec is really huge, vs rd the rogue just needs to shiv u once and his druid can easily kite u around the pillar, when u are targeted vs Shadow priest/rogue, mage/rogue etc teams removing wound is really huge advantage.Dont forget it also removes bleed effecs and deseases, and the 10% armor is something.
About human,draenei,NE i dont think its worth it at all.
-Horde: I cant tell witch 1 is the best here, probably orc with the extra AP racial and stun resistance but be careful how you use your racial, cause it also decreases healing by 50%, when u are effected by mortal strike,aimed shot,wound poisons u can feel free to use it cause the effect doesnt stack.
Taurens have bigger melee range witch is pretty good, also war stomp can be very useful.
Undead is what i play.I've heard some ppl say that Will of the forsaken(wotf) is useless for warriors since they have berserker rage and deathwish but thats not true.For example vs priest/rogue combo you can afford to use berserker rage on sap, gouges without worrying that you'll get feared(still be careful, dont waste it).Also when they manage to fear you in battle/def stance wasting deathwish/trinket just to remove fear is a big waste.Also undeads have the coolest look :D i feel more comfortable playing undead than a huge cow.
Troll... meh.
The build i use most of the time is 44/14/3 or 41/17/3 (Endless rage).Its by far the best dmg spec, only thing that really sucks with this build is the 8 sec disarms vs warriors due to no Weapon Mastery.When they disarm you, your partner has to assist you if you want to keep the pressure (offensive cyclone as druid,fear as priest, BoP,that u need to remove from urself, as paladin).
Im not saying that its the best spec and you HAVE to use it.. its a matter of playstyle.
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
I use 35/23/3 build when i run Shaman/warrior cause a shaman cant really do that much if i get 8 sec disarm, it kills all our pressure and building a new kill isnt so easy + as sham/war im rage feeded enough so i prefer enrage and sweeping strikes.
http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000
Gear,Enchants,Gems: Since the gear is free here i got 2-3 combinations.When i run sword im with Crit gems and enchants, and when i use mace i go Strenght/AP.
-I'm using Savagery on weap cause with endless rage spec 70 ap gives me more rage, and i have it all the time i dont need to wait for a proc.I got Executioner on my 1h weap instead of 20 strenght so when im forced to go 1h + shield i often get exe proc and when i switch back to 2h i have the armor ignore + the 70 AP witch is sick.I havent really put much though about it so i dont rly know if savagery or exe is better.
-Mace or Sword? When i run druid/warrior or shaman /warrior im using mace, it really is the better choice.
But when i run priest/war or pala/war i go sword since we have friendly dispell and mace stun isnt THAT gamebreaking, You can afford to eat roots when u know they are gonna be dispelled and keep your pummel, intercept for cyclone for example.I'd rather have more burst dmg and not rely on rng (You guys probably know how annoying is to fake pummel and then get mace stuned on the second cast).
Brutal Sword > Apolyon btw.
You can check the rest of my gear and my stats in the armory:
http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge Thats s4 perfectly geared char.
And thats my starter gear char (well not really starter gear since i have vengefuls) http://www.smolderforge.com/armory/inde ... olderforge
Sadly you cant see the armor ignore in this armory and thats pretty important, i got 966 on s4 and 546 on alt with the current gear.
Macros i use:
- focus pummel /cast [target=focus] Pummel(Rank 2)
- focus intercept /cast [target=focus] Intercept; Intercept
- focus shield bash /cast [target=focus] Shield Bash(Rank 4)
- intervene /cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance; [help] Intervene; [target=party1, help] Intervene
that puts u in def stance and intervenes party member 1 without changing your current target, makes it way easier.
- switch between 1h shield and 2h
/equip Brutal Gladiator's greatsword
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's shield wall
just change the names of the weaps
- def stance macro
/equip Brutal Gladiator's slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast defensive stance
/cast spell reflection
when u use it once it gets u in def stance and switches your weaps and when u use it twice it also does reflect.
- berserker stance
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Greatsword
/cast berserker stance
/cast Intercept(Rank 5)
changes back to 2h and intercepts on second use.
- battle stance
/cast battle stance
/cast Overpower(Rank 4)
-startattack macros
/cast Hamstring(Rank 4)
basically u can put that with everything so u wont need to right click on your target like a retard.I use such macros with hamstring and disarm.
-cancelaura bop /cancelaura Blessing or protection
You need to have that when u play pala/war cause a decent paladin will bop u just to remove blind,ks,disarm etc and u need to remove it asap
Some random tips that i can think of in the moment:
-VS priest teams keep your mortal strike and whirlwind for when the priest power word: shields, that way you wont need to do 2 normal attacks and loose so much rage and in most situations pressure just to break the shield.Normal attack him while he doesnt have shield, generate rage and wipe of the shield instantly when he uses it.
-Reflecting roots in most of the situations is a total waste, you loose all your rage, you loose a global and u have to wait for a new normal attack.. the druid will just cast a second root and get away.Only situation when its rly worth reflecting roots is when u need to assist your partner and you know that you can avoid the second root with a pillar.Dont waste your rage for useless reflects, for example when u have 100 rage reflecting cyclone isnt allways the best thing to do.If u are playing with priest or pala and he's in condition to dispell u dont try to dispell Nature's Grasp.. waste of rage global and ull most likely get cycloned vs good druids.When u are playing with a druid make him eat the NG when its possible and shaman can grounding/purge it, so u need to decide when its rly worth it and when its not.
-When u are near your enemy and u have switched to 1h and shield and u are gonna go back to 2h wait till u get ur already started 1h hit and then switch to 2h instead of waiting 3,8 sec all over.That wins u alot of rage and some dmg.
-For example when a rogue is on u, and you are cripled, u can intervene your partner and intercept back to the rogue.That helps alot when he has evasion on and u cant really hit him much.You can use that vs warrior,hunter etc too.With my macros i do that by pressing 2 buttons: my intervene macro then my bers stance macro twice.
When your partner is near your enemy u can use intervene just to get to the enemy when u dont have intercept,cant charge or u just dont want to waste the intercept.When u are targeted by a double dps team (shadowplay, mage/sp for example) make your partner stay near a pillar and intervene him when u need to LoS and get heals.
-VS RD dont just tunnel the rogue like most of u kids do.When your partner doesnt need peels go on druid just to force some defensive cooldowns like barkskin,Nature's grasp.Basically most of the druids will just barkskin right after u intercept them even if they are on 100%.So just throw a focus intercept make him barkskin and go back to the rogue, force NG the same way and let your partner eat it.That way u can make the druid a potention target to switch to anytime, wait for the moment and gib him when he's in a bad position when he's trying to heal his rogue for example and doesnt expect a switch.You need to work good with your partner to make that work tho.
-use a thrown for christ sake, i rage when i see warriors using bows,crossbows and stuff.No matter how better the stats are with bow, thrown is allways better: Helps you keep your target in combat, u can use it for pushback vs casters, sometimes the time u win is enough for your partner to avoid the incoming spell.
-In WD mirrors dont try to outdmg the war in the begining, stay rage starved so u can open on druid with 100 rage.
Hope that helped any1 :p Write here if u want me to add something or u need help vs some comb etc.
Re: Warrior PvP Guide TBC
awesome essay man, congratulations for that rly very useful.
Re: Warrior PvP Guide TBC
No Tonks you're a fucking joke
Only time you were high rated was when you abused the fuck out of sweeping strikes
get good
Only time you were high rated was when you abused the fuck out of sweeping strikes
get good
Re: Warrior PvP Guide TBC
he was high rated ???????Whizz wrote:No Tonks you're a fucking joke
Only time you were high rated was when you abused the fuck out of sweeping strikes
get good
Re: Warrior PvP Guide TBC
playing with hpally = abusing wow. u have to be very stupid, and brain damaged people to plas as shit with pally. u know why most of players after other class can't play with pally? bcuz they don't realyy realise that they can pwn everyone with that gayclass,Whizz wrote:No Tonks you're a fucking joke
Only time you were high rated was when you abused the fuck out of sweeping strikes
get good
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