I was playing with my hunter while is was heading for the jungles (forgot the name), anyway i catched my new pet, but when i passed gurubashi arena i needed to check if it worked (when you enter normally its everyone vs everyone) and that was the case .. so turned around and see that there where two portals, one to the mall and 1 to the battlemaster island ... what i don't understand is when you talk to the teleport master there is no button to gurubashi arena. This server is the best but this little element would make it even better!i!. Thx for your time and reading and plz respond (GM preffered :D)
(Sry for the bad english ;)
Gurubashi Arena
Re: Gurubashi Arena
this is interesing idea, but will be there miliard horde vs 2 alliance :(
Re: Gurubashi Arena
yes but like he said.. usually it everyone vs everyone.
so that wouldnt be a big problem.
so that wouldnt be a big problem.
Re: Gurubashi Arena
Sixsixone wrote:yes but like he said.. usually it everyone vs everyone.
so that wouldnt be a big problem.
no they would do groups =/
Re: Gurubashi Arena
well in the past the gurubashi arena was more a duelling arena then a pvp area.
I think that its also fun for horde players to kill people form their faction.
An other point is that also horde and Alliance players can join a party.
And its not about gaining honor points.
You can put if its possible badges of justice or something diffrent which is intresting for all players in the chest which spawns every 3 hours.
So That its not just alli vs horde.
I think that its also fun for horde players to kill people form their faction.
An other point is that also horde and Alliance players can join a party.
And its not about gaining honor points.
You can put if its possible badges of justice or something diffrent which is intresting for all players in the chest which spawns every 3 hours.
So That its not just alli vs horde.
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