GM report.

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GM report.

Post by Pumatouch »

I'm abit pissed right now, since i was the only one getting Muted/banned, for saying my opinion, Vord fixed a event, and mentioned the rewards, a shitty 36 bag, and some badges... i said that it was pretty useless imo, and many others agreed with me, and the GMs got butthurt over it, and decided to mute and then afterwards ban me, Henhouse seriously.. i really think that u should fix ur GMs, and hire someone better..

- And a unban would be highly appreciated.
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Re: GM report.

Post by Endania »

You were being a total dick (the item being useless is not the only thing you said) for something Vord is doing so people have something to do. That's why you're muted.

Here's why you're banned though. (Funny how you "forgot" to mention about this ticket in your explanation)
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Re: GM report.

Post by Pumatouch »

Yeah, i got pissed over that u muted me for that reason, you could just have said to me 'hey, please keep ur opinion to urself' instead of just muting me... and then ban me.
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Re: GM report.

Post by Vord »

Some people doesn't care about the rewards. I made this event so people could change their normal activities during their play time. To clarify things out I didn't ban you ( I didn't even pay attention to the things you were saying ). I told you once "If you don't like the reward shut up and don't participate". That was WAY easier than just flaming me.

People like you gets me really mad and makes me want to stop doing this activities which other players actually enjoy.

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Re: GM report.

Post by Endania »

Pumatouch wrote:Yeah, i got pissed over that u muted me for that reason, you could just have said to me 'hey, please keep ur opinion to urself' instead of just muting me... and then ban me.
You could've just said "Hey, I'm sorry about my rude remarks in the LFG channel over Vords event earlier." instead of just going apeshit in the tickets.
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Re: GM report.

Post by Henhouse »

Endania wrote:You could've just said "Hey, I'm sorry about my rude remarks in the LFG channel over Vord's event earlier." instead of just going apeshit in the tickets.
Endania is right, just because you flame at us doesn't mean we're just going to dismiss it and give you some nice reply and unmute you. Disrespect to a GM isn't something we're going to tolerate or let slid by. A nice response like what Endania said would have probably gotten you unmuted.

Now I have no idea if this is a suspension or account closure but it _should_ be just a suspension so you learn from that.
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Re: GM report.

Post by Toastie »

Events are there for fun, something to do that isnt raiding or pvp for once.
Do them for fun, not for free easy items, if the reward sucks, dont do the event.

It is the GMs personal choice on whether or not they give out a reward so the fact there was a reward actually given is something that people need to be grateful for.
Posts: 17

Re: GM report.

Post by Toastie »

" i really think that u should fix ur GMs"

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