Hello From Pineapple wow
Hello From Pineapple wow
Hey guys im Zac from pineapple wow and i hope to get to know this community :D
Palasit LVL 80 Horde pally.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Re: Hello From Pineapple wow
Hola my friend!
You been playing wow long? What is your favorite class/race combo. You a PvE master or Pvp titan?
You been playing wow long? What is your favorite class/race combo. You a PvE master or Pvp titan?
Retired Game Master
Re: Hello From Pineapple wow
I have been playing since it came out. My favorite class race combo is Tauren Druid. and i love PVP. How about urself?
Palasit LVL 80 Horde pally.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Re: Hello From Pineapple wow
Been playing since the beginng of TBC. before that I tried my friends account out and what not back in vanilla. leveled my first character hardcore grinding to 70 as a blood elf rogue. finally got 70 and started pvping but it was s4 so i was waaay behind the curve. wotlk started...got 80. started arena with a friend irl and we got 2k. played 3v3 as pmr and got addicted. got to like 2.4k in s7. almost got glad like literally 1 point from glad in 2v2 as spriest rogue. quit after doing RAF with Henry which was hellza fun. so my favorite class id say is female ud spriest. cuz in the end that was my favorite. lol. my rogue was so much fun but i was better at spriest.
well i didnt mean to make this so long. my bad
well i didnt mean to make this so long. my bad
Retired Game Master
Re: Hello From Pineapple wow
@ Syvar: Haha its ok, i dont mind reading long paragraphs, im just happy to kind of get to know u better :D.
@ZatYo: Thank you! I hope you. syvar and a couple other players from your realm will join us on Pineapple wow, to make it a more enjoyable experience!
@ZatYo: Thank you! I hope you. syvar and a couple other players from your realm will join us on Pineapple wow, to make it a more enjoyable experience!
Palasit LVL 80 Horde pally.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Re: Hello From Pineapple wow
I want to join you as a GM and as a player yet it is going to be a task to install to 3.3.3a. I don't know the full extent to why we won't go to 3.3.5a but it saddens me. :/ lol
Retired Game Master
Re: Hello From Pineapple wow
We're not updating to 3.3.5 because i think henry said he would first like to get the server stable then we can worry about the upgrade
Palasit LVL 80 Horde pally.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Re: Hello From Pineapple wow
Ronedyo wrote:welcome. (:
Thank you :D
Palasit LVL 80 Horde pally.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
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