I was on Smolderforge 2.4.3 inst 70 server playing arenas with a hunter called swiftlegolas or something like that and we vsed a team Druid/Rogue druid name was Pest something and rogue was Vistella, after me and my teammate took down the druid the rogue went stealth and start hiding for a few mins. When the orbs respawned we both went and got 1 and when we were looking for him i saw him flying upwards, So after me and my mate qqed to him and asking for a gm on LookingForGroup channel, meanwhile the rogue kept /w us saying stop hacking its a perm ban offense and shit like that and he was even saying that on Lookingforgroup channel so finally after 20mins in the arena waiting for him to stop hacking we find him not moving behind a pillar so i told my mate i found him, i tangled him and we took him to 4k hp and i was dced and banned. So basically i got banned for not hacking or anything at all when we were waiting for the hacker Vistella to stop hacking.. I even had a ticket up and i dont see how i got banned when Vistella was jus saying we were hacking and i KNOW for a fact that yall have no screenshots or w/e of me fly hacking or speed hacking, u can even ask my mate Swiftlegolas about what happend. By the way, Vistella, u and ur mate are completely garbage and need hacks when u lose, Scrub ass.
Re: Banned
Actually both of the players reported you for hacking.
And you and Swiftlegolas both reported the rogue called "Vistella" for hacking as well.
You are both banned until Henhouse investigates this more and come to a solution.
And you and Swiftlegolas both reported the rogue called "Vistella" for hacking as well.
You are both banned until Henhouse investigates this more and come to a solution.
Game Master - Wrath In-Game Support
Re: Banned
This has been taken care of.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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