Mage Water elemental

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Posts: 11
Location: Greece

Mage Water elemental

Post by Waloower »

What is the bug?
Water elemental cannot cast [Frost Nova] while casting waterbold.

Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item)
Its a spell that can be found on the mage's frost tallent tree.

How can you reproduce it?
You need to have [notarget] so it can casts frost nova. And then it starts attacking automatic
withough giving you the chance to cast another frost nova as soon as it is available again.

Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
You should be able while your Water Elemental is out and attacking your target with a waterbolt,
while its casting this spell [waterbolt] you should be able to use the water elemental's skill [Frost Nova]
while its casting a waterbolt.

Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:
Well if you already have a target and you summon your water elemental it will start attacking him withought letting you cast [Frost Nova]

Please fix this.
Its a minus for frost-mages.

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Posts: 404

Re: Mage Water elemental

Post by Syvar »

Yes this has issues. You might want to make a macro like:
1. Make your water elemental passive
2. Cast frost nova
3. Make it defensive again

Hope that helps, I have no way to help fix the bug but until then try this?
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Re: Mage Water elemental

Post by Tykel »

Its easy to make it work , just bind all the pet's bars and switch from passive to defensive , nova to bolt and so on
Retired Game Master
Posts: 11
Location: Greece

Re: Mage Water elemental

Post by Waloower »

Alright thank you guys :)
Posts: 2

Re: Mage Water elemental

Post by Fatald »

Just use this macro to cast Frost Nova when you summon your pet:
/cast [nopet] Summon Water Elemental
/stopmacro [nopet]
/click PetActionButton5
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Posts: 541

Re: Mage Water elemental

Post by Toosh »

This has been fixed in OregonCore.
Retired Game Master.

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