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Re: Joke?

Post by Scruffee »

Imperium wrote:
Vord wrote:
Scruffee wrote:To be honest, it makes me feel like PvP'ing less.
Why should it? As mentioned before you guys are lucky to even have titles. We could make it so every title is removed? is that what you want for motivation?
Stole the words right out of my mouth.

before the title system was even implemented, we had titles that only donors could get. And even titles you had to farm through rep, when the community finally voted for the title system, it was just a very tiny incentive that was like "why not?" so, leave it as it is. enough QQ will not change Henry's mind, if anything he'll remove the titles again.

then whats left is numbers.
Yeah, he did that. Once it started, it started a system of prestige, ranks that people wanted to show off. Pretty much why FAK and Ezatt have it out for each other, it keeps them motivated regardless, the prestige of having the most HK's on the server. Others just wanted to get the higher ranks for the prestige of having the title is all. Then the others who just don't care.

I personally like the title that I have and don't want to get another HK and get it replaced by something I grinded out of a long time ago, hence my feeling of neglect towards PvP.
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Re: Joke?

Post by Henhouse »

Scruffee wrote:Henhouse has pretty much been the sole operation for everything that has gone into the server, not a GM with no more power than watching tickets and keeping disrupters at bay. Henhouse made that decision solely off of how he felt, not how anyone else felt, because he's had in mind to change the HK amount for atleast a year now.
I call the shots, yes, but you would be very surprised how many people I ask and how many times I consult with the staff before any decision gets made. The polls on the forums are usually ones left to get even more opinions from people I don't know, or have not asked. Making decisions by myself is hard unless I'm very certain it will go over well. Why do you think I am collecting SO much feedback in the Wrath Pre-beta? If I was so well with making decisions completely based on my own feelings, I would never have that. I accept the feedback and opinions of others, always.

If I saw an amassed amount of support for the lowering of the HK requirements I would consider it. But so far it's about 5-6 people I've received complaints from. I asked ~10 people about the increase in which I got 100% approval before I made the change. The numbers should have been raised long ago anyway.
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Posts: 43

Re: Joke?

Post by Scruffee »

Henhouse wrote:
Scruffee wrote:Henhouse has pretty much been the sole operation for everything that has gone into the server, not a GM with no more power than watching tickets and keeping disrupters at bay. Henhouse made that decision solely off of how he felt, not how anyone else felt, because he's had in mind to change the HK amount for atleast a year now.
I call the shots, yes, but you would be very surprised how many people I ask and how many times I consult with the staff before any decision gets made. The polls on the forums are usually ones left to get even more opinions from people I don't know, or have not asked. Making decisions by myself is hard unless I'm very certain it will go over well. Why do you think I am collecting SO much feedback in the Wrath Pre-beta? If I was so well with making decisions completely based on my own feelings, I would never have that. I accept the feedback and opinions of others, always.

If I saw an amassed amount of support for the lowering of the HK requirements I would consider it. But so far it's about 5-6 people I've received complaints from. I asked ~10 people about the increase in which I got 100% approval before I made the change. The numbers should have been raised long ago anyway.
Of course you do that, because you want to appease the masses. It was only stated because of the induction of himself into the root of the changes.

Honestly, I don't care how other people feel, plain and simple. If others like it, good for them. I'm not complaining. I'm on the fence about the change. I'd rather the HK's upped because of the prestige factor lowering by the servers age, on the other hand, I got lazy on the grinding because I didn't need to and I'd rather not lose what as I had set a goal for prior.

The fact that I get another HK and it's going to change my title, that's the problem, my problem. My solution to keep my title is simply not to PvP. If you don't like my solution, sorry, but I'm not working off another 32k HK's for the title again. I didn't care if my statement got a response or not, all I cared for was being chastised by someone who claims has some sort of power is all.
Posts: 2551

Re: Joke?

Post by Cube »

Serious fucking business.
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Re: Joke?

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Premades still work though, right? What's the issue? Just GY farm them harder, and longer every game. It isn't bannable (I think), so start the QQtrain children.

You just gave us more incentive to grief players in BGs Henhouse, thanks for that.
Posts: 1360

Re: Joke?

Post by Mynce »

Zapcraclepop wrote:Premades still work though, right? What's the issue? Just GY farm them harder, and longer every game. It isn't bannable (I think), so start the QQtrain children.

You just gave us more incentive to grief players in BGs Henhouse, thanks for that.
no problem son hope you enjoy ,
your a big hypocrite in this since you roll and in you monster/faks premades and with passion.
so who are you to qq about this.
also there are discussions going on about removing Group que thx to these premades.
imo i would rather vote for making a 2nd que only for groups larger then 5.
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Re: Joke?

Post by Imperium »

Mynce wrote:
Zapcraclepop wrote:Premades still work though, right? What's the issue? Just GY farm them harder, and longer every game. It isn't bannable (I think), so start the QQtrain children.

You just gave us more incentive to grief players in BGs Henhouse, thanks for that.
no problem son hope you enjoy ,
your a big hypocrite in this since you roll and in you monster/faks premades and with passion.
so who are you to qq about this.
also there are discussions going on about removing Group que thx to these premades.
imo i would rather vote for making a 2nd que only for groups larger then 5.
Posts: 971

Re: Joke?

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Mynce wrote:
Zapcraclepop wrote:Premades still work though, right? What's the issue? Just GY farm them harder, and longer every game. It isn't bannable (I think), so start the QQtrain children.

You just gave us more incentive to grief players in BGs Henhouse, thanks for that.
no problem son hope you enjoy ,
your a big hypocrite in this since you roll and in you monster/faks premades and with passion.
so who are you to qq about this.
also there are discussions going on about removing Group que thx to these premades.
imo i would rather vote for making a 2nd que only for groups larger then 5.
One of these days you really should discover the true definition to QQ. because you're not even close. I was not, nor was I ever crying, or complaining. In fact, since you took the liberty of pasting what I said. show me where I was complaining? I offered a solution to the kids who WERE crying, then THANKED Henhouse for the added incentive to farm the bads. Now, if offering solutions to crybabies
and thanking the owner is QQ to you. You're worse off than I initially thought.

Also, regarding being a hypocrite, how so? Because I play both sides? I refuse to solo-queue. If I can get into a premade, I'll go with whoever is running it. It boils down to being with a group of people that know what they're doing versus a group of people that are HK-pinatas. If you cannot see the logic in that, that's not my fault or my problem. I play this game for my enjoyment, not yours.

Edit: If they added a second queue system for people in groups you would reach the same result that twinks found when they were separated from the levelers. No games at all would pop. On top of this fact, the queue times would suffer because 10,15, or 20+ people are no longer in the pool for consideration. So that's not a very valid fix. If you really want to fix the problem, have it so when you flag someone afk in a BG they are removed so someone who wants to try will have a chance. I'm pretty sure that's the main reason people premade. Aside from the theory you'll automatically win when you do so, people do it to avoid PuGs. Do I need to explain that to you as well Applez? Or are we on the same page yet?
Posts: 2551

Re: Joke?

Post by Cube »

Must be great fun to be in a 10 man premade, farming randoms at a gy with Resto Druids so far up your ass you're basically some new form of hybrid class. Pros vs bads, sup.

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Posts: 1178

Re: Joke?

Post by Xaru »

Last edited by Xaru on 20 Apr 2012, 09:53, edited 1 time in total.
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