Yea, its a fun option to have for sure, and if its easy to implement, why not. It gives SF an edge over other servers too (though tbh, I havent touched most other servers for years, so maybe some got it too this days)Henhouse wrote:I didn't really think of treating it like a donation. I suppose I could consider it. It would keep it more rare, but still offer it.Amgseret wrote: If its something like 10-15-20 bucks, it prolly wont be used to often either.
There's some people like Firstaidkit who hear a green head piece just for the looks. Think of the amount of stats and skill he loses just to wear that. I think transmogging would be helpful for people in that regard. But, it would be actually quite easy programming wise for me to implement something like this onto TBC via donation or whatever.
Think most can agree that biggest problem with it would be, everybody running around in modded gear and with some hefty price, you can minimize it. If normal players can get it through votes only, it would be awesome too. More ways to spend badges are sure welcome. RAVEN MOUNT PLS