Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Amgseret »

Henhouse wrote:
Amgseret wrote: If its something like 10-15-20 bucks, it prolly wont be used to often either.
I didn't really think of treating it like a donation. I suppose I could consider it. It would keep it more rare, but still offer it.

There's some people like Firstaidkit who hear a green head piece just for the looks. Think of the amount of stats and skill he loses just to wear that. I think transmogging would be helpful for people in that regard. But, it would be actually quite easy programming wise for me to implement something like this onto TBC via donation or whatever.
Yea, its a fun option to have for sure, and if its easy to implement, why not. It gives SF an edge over other servers too (though tbh, I havent touched most other servers for years, so maybe some got it too this days)

Think most can agree that biggest problem with it would be, everybody running around in modded gear and with some hefty price, you can minimize it. If normal players can get it through votes only, it would be awesome too. More ways to spend badges are sure welcome. RAVEN MOUNT PLS
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Hardlight »

Item alteration to any gear piece in the game would (in my view) be classified as custom gear. Here are some things people have said in previous years.

Here some quotes:
We do not support custom items. Please take your time to read through the forums before posting something, this have been suggested several times. -Vord, viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5553
They probably just duplicated the items, make new ones and simply changed the model id on each one. This would take a very long time to do for each set of gear and I don't really have any interest in doing so I'm afraid. -Henhouse, viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4494
U (will) ALWAYS, have to inspect the player if you want to be sure that he isnt wearing another gear than (what) it looks like. that will also be the problem in the new wow patch 4.3 I think. -Sandero, viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4494
What do you mean by creating a Vengeful Gladiator's Tabard? I mean if we make it we have to use a model of a currently existing tabard because we cannot add data to the game like that. -Henhouse, viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4043
...Personally FAK,you're able to place tops Damage/Kills and also manage least deaths, all while wearing a noob face mask you probably farmed in the outlands. Have you ever thought that it was the significant drop in stats that prevent players from copying you? It's something small like that kinda show SKILL > STATS. I don't see why we need it, or what this solves on our server.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

I never said we NEEDED it I just suggested this neat little feature, since I have seen it work pretty well for that other Wrath server which I'm not naming here. But I do believe this is not possible yet on any other TBC server so it would be cool to take the idea into consideration, maybe only make it available for people with 2k+ teams or put an high donation price on it. I think you will get a lot of positive comments out of it since it's just an fun server anyways..
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Imperium »

It's a good idea.
But it's nothing more than that, an idea. It would take considerable time to implement, which Henhouse now severely lacks. Severely, lacks.
Really, I like the idea, but there are so many downsides to it as well.
The result in them being basically custom items, which everyone truly dislikes, as they aren't Blizzlike or retail. Another, like the MVP said, is constantly inspecting players to see their gear, and to make sure they're actually gemmed and enchanted etc etc.
The only reason transmog is really great is because on retail, it's easy to access and simple, it doesn't have a fancy or complicated layout either, so I'm not sure how you would implement that on TBC.
+1 for the suggestion, but I have to say no to this.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Well to be honest the last actual bugfix for TBC was on the 15th from April. And the last update at 2 July. That's quite a while ago. Need an new feature or some update or it gets boring to play TBC. Also Henhouse said he already had the code ready so it's his decision now wheter to implement it, I was just suggesting it.

I would actually knew that there would be some people in the community saying: Custom gear? No.

But it's not really custom they have the same stats just a different looks if you inspect you see same stats as brutal just an different icon who the fuck cares not everyone will have that anyways to limit the amount of people you could make a requirement for rating on it 2k+ or some high donation price of $100 bucks or more.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Imperium »

Firstaidkit wrote:Well to be honest the last actual bugfix for TBC was on the 15th from April. And the last update at 2 July. That's quite a while ago. Need an new feature or some update or it gets boring to play TBC. Also Henhouse said he already had the code ready so it's his decision now wheter to implement it, I was just suggesting it.

I would actually knew that there would be some people in the community saying: Custom gear? No.

But it's not really custom they have the same stats just a different looks if you inspect you see same stats as brutal just an different icon who the fuck cares not everyone will have that anyways to limit the amount of people you could make a requirement for rating on it 2k+ or some high donation price of $100 bucks or more.
Not even I would pay $100 dollars for a silly transmog item.
Firstaidkit wrote: not really custom they have the same stats just a different look
That is a custom item. You're modifying a different looking piece of gear to have stats it normally doesn't have.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Imperium wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote:Well to be honest the last actual bugfix for TBC was on the 15th from April. And the last update at 2 July. That's quite a while ago. Need an new feature or some update or it gets boring to play TBC. Also Henhouse said he already had the code ready so it's his decision now wheter to implement it, I was just suggesting it.

I would actually knew that there would be some people in the community saying: Custom gear? No.

But it's not really custom they have the same stats just a different looks if you inspect you see same stats as brutal just an different icon who the fuck cares not everyone will have that anyways to limit the amount of people you could make a requirement for rating on it 2k+ or some high donation price of $100 bucks or more.
Not even I would pay $100 dollars for a silly transmog item.
That's what I mean then only a few players will have it ;).
Imperium wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote: not really custom they have the same stats just a different look
That is a custom item. You're modifying a different looking piece of gear to have stats it normally doesn't have.
Oke, but you are not getting overpowered stats like 102830128321083 Strength or Spell power that's what I meant actually. Only the looks of the weapon change from Brutal Weapon to Warglaives for example.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Calmdownpls »

I dont know why people hate that idea; it will be just visual. I support Custom Transmorg idea. We are on fun server so I don't see any cons.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Abwyz »

Nope, there are more important things to do.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Calmdownpls »

Abwyz wrote:Nope, there are more important things to do.
Like what?
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