Firstaidkit wrote:1. You are clearly mad =).
2.Funny how you post a screenshot of yourself dead on the graveyard while I'm still alive in the screenshot =).
3. I NEVER said I NEVER lost AV I said you are a bunch of bads that are unable to play it. Like you never lost a bg? jk you lose them all the time.. Also I probably lost that AV because shitters like you are afk on the graveyard. It's pretty hard to win a bg if your the other players in the bg don't cooperate to do the objectives at all. Not to even mention I see you hk farming in AV the whole time.
4. Want me to post screenshots of the AV's I won? Then this thread will be way longer.
5. Last few AV's I did we won by killing the boss in a few minutes actually ;).
6. And I did not even mention how I outheal you every bg on my alt druid (sometimes even double the healing you did or triple).
1) no...just no - I just react when someone is tiny bit hypocritical (and I have proof of that ^^)
2)that just stupid thing to say or you're just trying to troll me
3) I was there when your "premade" (or you healing random ppl can't remember) won AV and it was pure luck, somehow you managed to kill marshals before bunkers were down, while allies somehow (I dunno they probably didn't had much players, or E dawg was offline) even with towers down weren't able to defeat our boss, if YOU won AV by just burning all bunkers and finally killing boss ? ok good ,if you won AV ? ok good
4) I dont care about your screenshots
5)sure I could believe to that also point 3 explains it
6)ok here is one thing about me (and many ppl know that) - I SERIOUSLY DONT CARE ABOUT BG STATS, I care about winning bg and pvp experience(or pvp moments? dunno how to call it), NOT healing done, NOT dmg done,NOT KBs (well ok they're cool),NOT HKs - either you're trying to troll again , or just you're THAT pathetic as some other ppl to think that
I posted that screenshot to make you (and boy...HOW naive I was!) to do some self-reflection before you talk trash about other guild and how incompetent they're in winning a AV, also I clearly have put valid points there.
Yes Allies are winning MOST of AVs, some ppl deal with qqing on forum, some ppl just wank in AV - that's life. The fact we're (meaning wacco and me) are able to say "ye Ezatt's premades are crushing us in AV" well that says alot about OUR self-reflection,ok maybe not self-reflection but most definitely objectiveness.
And this is my last post to you, my ss wasn't meant (and again) as rage/trolling/joke/proving I am better/jesus existed/you can fap with left hand....It was just for you to think about yourself before you post something like that. But well some ppl will never learn...well in this case it's me - to expect from you some mature response than (oh dawg I totally outheal you).
Peace Comehere.