It's been 3-4 years since I last played here, checked out the server briefly a year ago but didn't really play ever since.
How's it looking nowadays in terms of population?
Are there still PvP zones and are they used actively?
Is PvP still dominated by rogue, locks, restodruids and warriors?
And my most important question: Is the rule that was made against multiboxing after we've been multiboxing for several months back then still active?
Recently been playing on AT again where I had a blast as I found out about the merge with molten wow, Molten WoW having this policy towards multiboxing which now allows me to multibox on AT:
I'd love to shed the dust of my laserowls and bring terror to the lands of smolderforge!"Multi-boxing is allowed for several reasons. First, it isn't cheating in any way, as there isn't any item or spell exploits, or packet editing going on. Secondly, Blizzard allows this, therefore it is "Blizz-like". And last, there is nothing a multi-boxer can do that a group of the same number of opposing characters cannot. Anyone is allowed, also. Which means you are more than welcome to retaliate against multi-boxers by multi-boxing against them. It raises challenge, competition, and fun to certain aspects of the game, for both multi-boxers and their opponents, where there would normally be none. "
Best regards!