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Post by Bucovsky »

Mr. Mayore encouraged me to do some poison tests and I decided to share the results I've got so far.
I used just one dagger and some expertise rating to avoid misses and dodges/parries which would affect the results. Each test includes 1000 hits.

Improved Poisons talent : 10% increased chance to apply poisons when attacking the enemy.

Without the talent (30% chance to apply poisons)


With the talent (40% chance to apply poisons)


Seems like this talent works just fine. I was actually suprised that I got exactly 100 additional Wound Poison procs after doing the first 2 tests. The amount of resisted poison procs seems to be low enough and correct with the 1% random resist chance for spells to resist, characteristic for TBC.

Resistance tests:

VS Paladin, 0 nature resistance


VS Paladin, 71 nature resistance (Improved Mark of the Wild 2/5 28, Flask of Chromatic Wonder 35, Broiled Bloodfin 8)


VS Shaman, 236 nature resistance (Nature Resistance Totem 70, Flask of Chromatic Wonder 35, Broiled Bloodfin 8, The Natural Ward 35, Pendant of Withering 30, Cloak enchant 15, Shield enchant 5, Nature Resistance racial 10)


Seems like the famous rogue with 20 spell penetration enchantment on his cloak had some plan when he setup his gear. Wound Poison appears to be highly dependent on the nature resistance and this might be the reason why it resists to much in PvP. Crippling Poison is even more likely to resist with all those effects like Hunter's 15% snare resist talent or just simply Surefooted enchantment.

Is there any addon to test Vile Poisons 40% chance to resist dispel effects? I simply used recount but it doesn't really work good enough to test dispel chance. My addon just counts direct dispel effects like Cure Poison, Cleanse or Abolish Poison (the direct effect of this spell), but doesn't work for Abolish DispelOverTime effect, Poison Cleansing Totem or not even for direct totem dispel effect.

Could someone please suggest some addon that could solve this problem and measure dispel attempts correctly?
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Re: Poisons

Post by Exsurgo »

Nice job posting up some numbers. As you can probably tell, I have not been active for ages. It's not that I have lost my passion for developing, rather that I have been entwined in some other programming projects that literally take up 6 days a week 10 hours a day coding time.

From the numbers you have posted we can make several assertions:

1:Poisons are effected by spell hit:
2:Poisons are effected by spell resistances.
3:Poisons are binary spells (they only ever get full resists (no partial resists)

I am resonably sure that (3) is correct. Also (2) seems to make sense, reading around various articles it makes sense that poisons are effected by resistances (they deal nature damage). As for (1) I have not been able to find out whether or not poisons should use melee or spell hit. I will keep digging on this one.
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Re: Poisons

Post by Mayore »


sorry for offtop but does that mean you're kinda.. back?
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Re: Poisons

Post by Henhouse »

Marcus! Hit me up sometime! I sent you an email a month or so back and had not heard from you. Glad to know you're still alive and kicking!
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Re: Poisons

Post by Bucovsky »

Thank you for the feedback. Good to see you again!
Somebody told me that poisons have not much to do with the spell hit rating because of their own hit system.
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Re: Poisons

Post by VinylScratch »

Hmm, interesting.
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Re: Poisons

Post by Vicarious »

Bumps because somebody needs to look into the vile poisons talent
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
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Re: Poisons

Post by Bucovsky »

Vicarious wrote:Bumps because somebody needs to look into the vile poisons talent
I remember somebody told me that the effectivity of Abolish Poison depends on whether the first tick (instant) was resisted or not. I have no means to verify that glitch though.
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