alot of of servers have the warglavies avaible as a skin not a weapon as i feel they would be way to imba especially in a rogues hands just take it this way my char has 3.4k ap i dont need glaives it wouldnt be fair.
But at the same time they r the coolest looking weapons avaible even to this day imo. i feel they should be added either to donation list with very bad stats so u just use the skins for tmogging only
and many other legendaries as well like Thunderfurry and ateish and cosmic infuser and other ones ashbringer and stuff
here is a screenshot of AT offering it for arena points but i feel thatd be a bad choice here since arena is the same ppl every season every day.. so i feel to offer tmogging legendaries for $5 and than offer the items themselves for $10 a piece would be a great deal and would make the server money as well