If you get suspended and threaten the admin

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If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Henhouse »

Posted for your enjoyment.

I receive a PM:
Did I understand this correctly that I've been banned from Smolderforge and if so, how long or permanently? I really hope you aren't serious or otherwise you are going to read about me getting this server shut down (FBI+Blizzard).

I'd be glad to tell them that you're sharing WoW with torrents, that is in possession of Blizzard and you don't have any right to that. This private server of yours is also illegal and you're making money with it and else. You'll be surprised so think again do you want to ban me.
My response:
Henhouse wrote:You were suspended for 2 days for insubordination and disrespect to a staff member. Your IP was then suspended for coming online and threatening to "kill" the GM that suspended you.

The FBI has no involvement in private servers. The only time Blizzard ever pursued private servers was one time in 2008. In order for us to be in violation of anything, Blizzard has to have their lawyers send out Cease and Desist orders. What we are doing currently is legal, until Blizzard deems it not so -- it's their copyright, not the government's. Additionally, we are hosted outside of the United States, therefore the DMCA and other US laws are not applicable there.

It is now 2013, and Molten-WoW is 10 times bigger than WoWScape ever was in 2008. Are we going to get shut down? No. Is the FBI even going to raise an eyebrow or even ever be involved in this sort of affair? No.

so think again do you want to ban me.
Yes. You just bought yourself a permanent account closure now. I won't tolerate being threatened, regardless of how ignorant the threat is.
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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Mynce »

Peace and serenity :
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=8012

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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Gandraman »

Actually Blizzard allows this kind of servers (private ones) to exist because round 20% of players later starts playing on retail, wanting to experience original game or getting sick of bugs etc. It is good advertisement.
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
Posts: 1178

Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Xaru »

You have his IP address & email, is he seriously threatening you? He's lucky you're so lenient. What a dumbass.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Imperium »

I love it when you're rough.
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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Blue »

Imperium wrote:I love it when you're rough.
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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Peekaboo »

12% less drama in General, many thanks.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Haymaker »

Lol big fuck noob. I call FBI stupid pserver shit hat. You no do anything bout it ^^
I am the hero that this server deserves...
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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Cherrylol »

O Mai GaD HaKkiR PRoGerAMmist Do'Nt Di Di O Es SmoldirFuRg PiLiS

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Re: If you get suspended and threaten the admin

Post by Fodis »

I like how he inquired and threatened in the same message
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