Stormwind Vault 2.0

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Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Henhouse »

I spent about 4 and a half hours re-designing Stormwind Vault last night. I was aware the design of it was very poor to what we are capable of now and I just wanted to make it look a bit nicer, allow players to access all 3 wings instead of 1, and also kill all the bosses, and not skip some.

Main change is the levers. You have to activate levers to open the doors now. So until you kill the boss to get to the lever, you won't be able to continue.

Hope you like the changes!

Note: We're considering making SWV a 10-man raid and make it easier for 10 people instead of 15, just so it doesn't lag as much. Also we might remove the teleport to Godzilla but still leave him there heh. I'll need to ask Kyle though...
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Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

heh henhouse your a kidder!
Its Fluckadinz!
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Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Sariks »

Sir Zeliek still sometimes 1 shoot =(
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Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Henhouse »

Sariks wrote:Sir Zeliek still sometimes 1 shoot =(
Yeah I'm thinking about removing his script(It's not custom, it's C++ scripted) because the marks kill everyone I think, however the other bosses do not... I did lower his health to 800,000 though.
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Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Riski »

Remove meh Godzilla teleport!? I don't think so!!!
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Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Mokagi »

Lol i was kinda confused when i entered everything was changed xD
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Location: Sweden

Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Henhouse »

Mokagi wrote:Lol i was kinda confused when i entered everything was changed xD
Yeah I noticed a few people were right off the bat, I hope they get used to it soon. You HAVE to do Sir Zelik, it's he's massively bugged I can remove his ScriptDev2 script so he'll just normally attack, but you have to do him to progress.
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Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Riski »

Well no matter what you do I will never truly like SWV or Stockades for that matter just because of the crappy space in them. Its just to annoying for your camera to be always pushed closer to you cause everything is so small in there :P
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Re: Stormwind Vault 2.0

Post by Aleros »

Maybe i am not right but i think zelieks spell also exist at retail but the boss is shouting and spawning a bubble that makes you immun to his spell.
It is like Kil Jeadens Darkness of a Thousand Souls you cant stop him but you got a chance to survive it

The spell is doing 46980-51030 shadow damage. Zelieks highest crit on my shadowpriest was round 1million
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