PvE on Smolderforge
PvE on Smolderforge
Dear GMs, dear Henhouse,
as a server on which is basically played PvP they are a few (in my opinion I'd say MUCH) players who like to play a bit PvE too. They are much guilds which are specialized for PvE, like MYTH or diverse guilds with the tag 'PvE' in it.
Would you please do anything. I know you're doing your best (at least I hope so) but can you do a bit more please? In the forum are a few realy good ideas.. but they are simply ignored or not read.
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... =12&t=5653 or maybe http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... =11&t=5662
You will lose a lot of players when you don't do anything I guess.
Sorry for my aggressive style of writing but maybe you will recognize NOW that PvE is a very important part of your server :)
Thanks for reading
Love you all
as a server on which is basically played PvP they are a few (in my opinion I'd say MUCH) players who like to play a bit PvE too. They are much guilds which are specialized for PvE, like MYTH or diverse guilds with the tag 'PvE' in it.
Would you please do anything. I know you're doing your best (at least I hope so) but can you do a bit more please? In the forum are a few realy good ideas.. but they are simply ignored or not read.
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... =12&t=5653 or maybe http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... =11&t=5662
You will lose a lot of players when you don't do anything I guess.
Sorry for my aggressive style of writing but maybe you will recognize NOW that PvE is a very important part of your server :)
Thanks for reading
Love you all
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
In regards to SWP...
It's not fully scripted.
Actually, you know what? Even if it was half scripted, you could not, and I repeat could not clear SWP. Unless you were in top tier raiding guild in TBC and know the mechanics and fights by heart, or at least have half a mind to listen to someone more experienced, then you will never succeed at SWP.
People can't even down Illidan in BT here, and you want SWP opened? Btw, Illidan is about 90~ish% scripted.
Speaking of experienced PvE heroes, there are none here. Only those that think they're cool because they can tank ZA.
And to top it all off, SWP was closed due to a bug of sorts. So until that bug is fixed, once again, SWP will not be re-opened.
Also, fun fact: Bosses and raid mechanics are probably hard as hell to script, at least, in comparison to fixing spells for players to use in PvP. In short, SF has always been a funserver closely circled around PvP.
You notice how we still have over 400~players? I don't think we'll lose any by not fixing SWP.
Hope that clarifies that PvE is always going to be second-thought when it comes to SF. Perhaps in Wotlk, it'll be higher priority. In fact, according to Henhouse, ICC is pretty well scripted.
It's not fully scripted.
Actually, you know what? Even if it was half scripted, you could not, and I repeat could not clear SWP. Unless you were in top tier raiding guild in TBC and know the mechanics and fights by heart, or at least have half a mind to listen to someone more experienced, then you will never succeed at SWP.
People can't even down Illidan in BT here, and you want SWP opened? Btw, Illidan is about 90~ish% scripted.
Speaking of experienced PvE heroes, there are none here. Only those that think they're cool because they can tank ZA.
And to top it all off, SWP was closed due to a bug of sorts. So until that bug is fixed, once again, SWP will not be re-opened.
Also, fun fact: Bosses and raid mechanics are probably hard as hell to script, at least, in comparison to fixing spells for players to use in PvP. In short, SF has always been a funserver closely circled around PvP.
You notice how we still have over 400~players? I don't think we'll lose any by not fixing SWP.
Hope that clarifies that PvE is always going to be second-thought when it comes to SF. Perhaps in Wotlk, it'll be higher priority. In fact, according to Henhouse, ICC is pretty well scripted.
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
and we were in swp (at brut)
But.. we were : \
Of course a KJ would be too hard but it's worth a try. It's always worth a try and it's important to say 'we can try' and not like you 'you would never make it'.
More and more PvE-Players are here, like I said. And everyone will approve this. When I'm online I usually see so much guilds with that PvE-tags in it. And of course the spams in LFG are there too.
And about the member-leaving.. almost my whole guild is thinking about to leave the server cuz of this PvE-things. The sad fact isn't that bugfixes take a long time.. the sad thing is that new suggestions are ignored. This 2 links, for example. Or better the second one which is not from Zammy :)
But.. we were : \
Of course a KJ would be too hard but it's worth a try. It's always worth a try and it's important to say 'we can try' and not like you 'you would never make it'.
More and more PvE-Players are here, like I said. And everyone will approve this. When I'm online I usually see so much guilds with that PvE-tags in it. And of course the spams in LFG are there too.
And about the member-leaving.. almost my whole guild is thinking about to leave the server cuz of this PvE-things. The sad fact isn't that bugfixes take a long time.. the sad thing is that new suggestions are ignored. This 2 links, for example. Or better the second one which is not from Zammy :)
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
Imperium....Stay out of this please,if you think our guild is full of braindead idiots,your wrong.Everyone knows what they are doing,and for your information I recruit people who go through a lot of serious questions.And yeah,PvE is always second here,but when I was in Cutiepie PvE,Hen himself was there at (Supremus),and fixed the visual bugs in a week or two and wanted us to record movies and promote SF,which we did upto some extent.I clearly know that this will take time,but we cant always do 14 man BT runs,and a simple reply on both those threads will help a great deal,as to whats going on atm so I can anwser my guild members...same case with the other guilds,,as i have been I every PvE guild on the server here's a simple idea of how it begins and ends
ZA/kara > TK/gruul/Mag/SSC > BT/Swp bugged ?? what now ?? --no anwser-- > Guild dead...And someone starts again.Well now BT is scripted to some extent thanks to CPP and Hen.
Plus people always cry that the Demo tree in warlocks is bugged.And charge/intercept in warriors is a problem too...you end up nowhere sometimes,and go through the ground.
Your just a player like one of us,tbh I dont care bout your opinion...lets the GM's decide this one.Im not here to create any problems here.its cause as the Guild master of MYTH,I dont want this guild disbanding when we reach BT/SWP like all the other ones (EC/CPP) did.
ZA/kara > TK/gruul/Mag/SSC > BT/Swp bugged ?? what now ?? --no anwser-- > Guild dead...And someone starts again.Well now BT is scripted to some extent thanks to CPP and Hen.
Plus people always cry that the Demo tree in warlocks is bugged.And charge/intercept in warriors is a problem too...you end up nowhere sometimes,and go through the ground.
Your just a player like one of us,tbh I dont care bout your opinion...lets the GM's decide this one.Im not here to create any problems here.its cause as the Guild master of MYTH,I dont want this guild disbanding when we reach BT/SWP like all the other ones (EC/CPP) did.
Last edited by Zammy on 26 Apr 2012, 17:58, edited 1 time in total.
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
The problem is the people,there are MAYBE 2-3 ppl who realy want to wipe for hours in swp,bec that's what pve it's all about.
I personaly don't play anymore since there's nothing else to do then grinding hks in bgs...
I sugested leting ppl know that smolderforge has verry,verry decent scripts to ALL INSTANCES,so that maybe some players will join strictly for pve,and therefor have biger population.
EDIT: I sow that u you ppl think swp it's not so well scripted.I can tell you that there are only minor stuff to add for it to be 100% raidable and quite close to retail scripts.You shuld see how awesome KJ is scripted :P
I personaly don't play anymore since there's nothing else to do then grinding hks in bgs...
I sugested leting ppl know that smolderforge has verry,verry decent scripts to ALL INSTANCES,so that maybe some players will join strictly for pve,and therefor have biger population.
EDIT: I sow that u you ppl think swp it's not so well scripted.I can tell you that there are only minor stuff to add for it to be 100% raidable and quite close to retail scripts.You shuld see how awesome KJ is scripted :P
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
I guess u are playing on diffrent realm, or u are this anal not to be aware of the situation. Progress is killed simply because of the bugs, lack of PvE support from the Staff. Been here for quite a long time, and I can tell that every single day some good experienced ppl come to this server expecting remeinder of the good old days, raiding BT. Some were lucky enough to come across guilds Extra Curricular / CutiePie / Myth and have like 30% of the retail fun. Guilds were getting stronger , progress from kara all over to BT(naj,supremus,akama,teron,Bloodboil). It ends though with big pain on bugged as hell RoS .In Cpp we actually managed to skip him, and do Mother, council and entered Illidan fight - where Yes we did wipe because we had no fire resis tanks(didnt expect to encounter him that time).Imperium wrote: Actually, you know what? Even if it was half scripted, you could not, and I repeat could not clear SWP. Unless you were in top tier raiding guild in TBC and know the mechanics and fights by heart, or at least have half a mind to listen to someone more experienced, then you will never succeed at SWP.
People can't even down Illidan in BT here, and you want SWP opened? Btw, Illidan is about 90~ish% scripted.
Speaking of experienced PvE heroes, there are none here. Only those that think they're cool because they can tank ZA.
And to top it all off, SWP was closed due to a bug of sorts. So until that bug is fixed, once again, SWP will not be re-opened.
Which brings me to the point where I can call u an idiot who tricks others into ur wrong thinking. All we want is too see at least some interest in repairing the PvE content(no rush to repair SWP, ssc/bt first). You can't simply abandon it, and sentence players to death by Pvp dullness.
Imperium wrote: You notice how we still have over 400~players? I don't think we'll lose any by not fixing SWP.
Hope that clarifies that PvE is always going to be second-thought when it comes to SF. Perhaps in Wotlk, it'll be higher priority. In fact, according to Henhouse, ICC is pretty well scripted.
Yea right, because Wotlk raids are so great and ppl are willing to play it. TBC/vanilla is actually the only expansion that is worth "investing" in PVE
And now some PvE encouragement:
__ __
recognise that?
Got SS's from almost all boss kills ( except for RoS and Illidan, and swp obviously). It seems that there is PvE actually, huh?
Have fun with us, join Myth :)
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Re: PvE on Smolderforge
I'll pass on your invitations, thank you.
None of your opinions, nor any of your facts will change the current situation.
Unless you know how to script an instance, nothing will change. You have to realize Henhouse is the only "fulltime" developer for SF, and he hardly has any time as it is now. Hopefully that'll change in the near future, summer break etc. So we'll see if he wants to do anything with the PvE state of the realm.
I did not read half your posts mainly because, I don't care. I came here to point out that PvE on Smolderforge is not something easily fixed, maintained and cared for.
So unless any of you assholes know how to script, shut up. Because Henhouse has enough to deal with, and he's not going to go around listening to everyone's complaints about a certain PvE instance not working. SWP Was disabled for good cause, if you look around the forums you'll see why.
In regards to the dudes who posted SS of their encounters, you still haven't cleared BT. "We were at Brutallus" so that must mean you didn't kill him. wonder why?
I'm not calling you bad. I'm calling you inexperienced, and half the population on SF is. Even me. I fucking suck at this game, but that's besides the point.
What is the point of opening SWP again? Clear BT, or in fact maybe suggest a way to make PvE in current working instances and raids more attractive.
None of your opinions, nor any of your facts will change the current situation.
Unless you know how to script an instance, nothing will change. You have to realize Henhouse is the only "fulltime" developer for SF, and he hardly has any time as it is now. Hopefully that'll change in the near future, summer break etc. So we'll see if he wants to do anything with the PvE state of the realm.
I did not read half your posts mainly because, I don't care. I came here to point out that PvE on Smolderforge is not something easily fixed, maintained and cared for.
So unless any of you assholes know how to script, shut up. Because Henhouse has enough to deal with, and he's not going to go around listening to everyone's complaints about a certain PvE instance not working. SWP Was disabled for good cause, if you look around the forums you'll see why.
In regards to the dudes who posted SS of their encounters, you still haven't cleared BT. "We were at Brutallus" so that must mean you didn't kill him. wonder why?
I'm not calling you bad. I'm calling you inexperienced, and half the population on SF is. Even me. I fucking suck at this game, but that's besides the point.
What is the point of opening SWP again? Clear BT, or in fact maybe suggest a way to make PvE in current working instances and raids more attractive.
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
Who gives a damn about what you say/think anyway?..I dont want your fucking answers/opinions here,like you could make a guild and clear BT/SWP??..so stop talking like a dickhead,let the GM's decide not you.I know why SWP is closed ffs... Im always active on forums/ingame unlike you.
And l2 read the above topics linked..we did suggest a method to help PvE here..The purpose behind this thread is,why aren't and GM's answering..A yes or no maybe or w/e.
We are trying to help SF,not come once a week and talk shit everywhere,like you know everything here.I know Hen is having hard time...you don't have to tell that to me.
We know about PvE in smolder than you do,so stay out this please,this isint a thread to qq on.
And l2 read the above topics linked..we did suggest a method to help PvE here..The purpose behind this thread is,why aren't and GM's answering..A yes or no maybe or w/e.
We are trying to help SF,not come once a week and talk shit everywhere,like you know everything here.I know Hen is having hard time...you don't have to tell that to me.
We know about PvE in smolder than you do,so stay out this please,this isint a thread to qq on.
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
There is a lot to really comment on in this thread that was said, so I'm going to try to wing it and hope I cover just about everything.
Smolderforge never really focused on PvE for many varitating reasons. To name a few, they require scripting which is tiresome, impossible to test alone, easy to do in a timely manner, or even worth investing our time in. Smolderforge always centered around PvP because that is simply what most players get on to do. Had the server all focused around PvE when it was made, things might be different. But that is simply not the case. As for me "ignoring" your suggestions let me clarify some things. ALL of your suggestions are read. Does that mean they are all done? No. Suggestions are suggestions, not court-order demands that I must do. I have been doing this for four years and so when a suggestion is made, like 100 checks go through my mind with approving how anything would work, how it would affect the server as a whole, would it off balance this, etc, etc. Additionally, time. Time is the biggest problem and currently I have none of it. I will get finish this Uni year in 4 days and soon will have time once again. However, I have promised much of my time will be devoted to the development of the Wrath server. I do have a lot planned for TBC but you must be patient. I know you have not been here as long as I have, but if you knew our history you would see that ever summer big updates come out usually. A lot gets changed and updated. Smolderforge usually undergoes a lot of new content and upgrades every summer. Though, I will admit TBC is limited and I doubt much NEW stuff will come out this summer.
Many of your suggestions simply will not help. Lowering the raids ruins them. The mechanics are DESIGNED for 25 people. Even if I lowered the HP and the auto attack damage, the SPELLS they cast which are UNEDITABLE in the game would cause 10 players to wipe, ALL THE TIME. Nerfing a raid is impossible without literally removing the scripts all together so the NPC just becomes a pretty NPC with health that does auto-attack damage. It does not work, trust me--I've tried it.
Additionally, 25 people isn't that bad. It used to be 40 back in the day in vanilla and lowering to 10 would not solve anything. You'd still complain about bugs in the scripts or not being able to clear it. Simply speaking and deciding completely from experience, I know.
I would love to look into TrinityCore's scripts for Wrath this summer and see if they buffed up and scripts for TBC and attempt converting them over. It's possible. The reason I closed Sunwell is because you all exploit it. You skip the first boss, go straight to Brutallus and sit there Alt+f4ing your game trying to walk past the invisible wall to skip him. That is why I closed it, and that is why I loath supporting you players. You say you want PvE yet you always exploit it. Always. That gets you no support from me.
As for random class bugs, it's all core related. Falling under the map is completely related to the map system which I literally cannot do anything about.
Smolderforge never really focused on PvE for many varitating reasons. To name a few, they require scripting which is tiresome, impossible to test alone, easy to do in a timely manner, or even worth investing our time in. Smolderforge always centered around PvP because that is simply what most players get on to do. Had the server all focused around PvE when it was made, things might be different. But that is simply not the case. As for me "ignoring" your suggestions let me clarify some things. ALL of your suggestions are read. Does that mean they are all done? No. Suggestions are suggestions, not court-order demands that I must do. I have been doing this for four years and so when a suggestion is made, like 100 checks go through my mind with approving how anything would work, how it would affect the server as a whole, would it off balance this, etc, etc. Additionally, time. Time is the biggest problem and currently I have none of it. I will get finish this Uni year in 4 days and soon will have time once again. However, I have promised much of my time will be devoted to the development of the Wrath server. I do have a lot planned for TBC but you must be patient. I know you have not been here as long as I have, but if you knew our history you would see that ever summer big updates come out usually. A lot gets changed and updated. Smolderforge usually undergoes a lot of new content and upgrades every summer. Though, I will admit TBC is limited and I doubt much NEW stuff will come out this summer.
Many of your suggestions simply will not help. Lowering the raids ruins them. The mechanics are DESIGNED for 25 people. Even if I lowered the HP and the auto attack damage, the SPELLS they cast which are UNEDITABLE in the game would cause 10 players to wipe, ALL THE TIME. Nerfing a raid is impossible without literally removing the scripts all together so the NPC just becomes a pretty NPC with health that does auto-attack damage. It does not work, trust me--I've tried it.
Additionally, 25 people isn't that bad. It used to be 40 back in the day in vanilla and lowering to 10 would not solve anything. You'd still complain about bugs in the scripts or not being able to clear it. Simply speaking and deciding completely from experience, I know.
I would love to look into TrinityCore's scripts for Wrath this summer and see if they buffed up and scripts for TBC and attempt converting them over. It's possible. The reason I closed Sunwell is because you all exploit it. You skip the first boss, go straight to Brutallus and sit there Alt+f4ing your game trying to walk past the invisible wall to skip him. That is why I closed it, and that is why I loath supporting you players. You say you want PvE yet you always exploit it. Always. That gets you no support from me.
As for random class bugs, it's all core related. Falling under the map is completely related to the map system which I literally cannot do anything about.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: PvE on Smolderforge
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